

Xinjiang "Resource Curse" Cracked Research Based on the Financial Perspective

【作者】 刘丹

【导师】 崔光莲;

【作者基本信息】 新疆财经大学 , 金融学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 “资源诅咒”是指丰富的自然资源反而制约着地区经济的发展,新疆拥有丰富的自然资源,但其经济发展却不尽如人意,生态、环境、土地污染严重,制约了经济的发展,优势的自然资源没有转换成经济优势。这些都从不同角度证实新疆已经陷入了资源的诅咒。然而必须要明确的一个观点是,并不是自然资源储量丰富就会形成“资源诅咒”,之所以阻碍经济的发展,是因为我们对能源资源利用不当,过度依赖而阻碍了其他行业的发展。金融对地区经济发展的作用是不容忽视的,特别是金融对欠发达地区的支持。金融行业发展完善的地区,往往经济发展也表现强劲,金融支持对地方经济发展起到正面的促进作用。金融发展滞后影响着资金的合理配置,使得富裕的资源不能有效促进经济的发展,因此“资源诅咒”与不发达的金融体系相伴随,而有利的金融支持能够有效的消除资源的诅咒。本文紧紧围绕“资源诅咒”的传导机制,和金融视角的成因展开分析,写作的目的在于,运用金融手段破解新疆的“资源诅咒”,在西部大开发和十九个省区对口援疆的背景下,发挥金融对新疆地区优势资源转换的引导、促进作用。填补国内以至于新疆从金融视角研究“资源诅咒”的空白。

【Abstract】 "Resource curse" refers to the rich natural resources restricts the development of regional economy. Xinjiang is rich in natural resources, but its economic development is not satisfactory . Ecology, environment, land pollution restricted economic development, natural resources did not convert into economic advantage. These confirmed that xinjiang has already trapped in resource curse from different perspectives.However we must clear a view that natural resources abundant Doesn’t necessarily form "resource curse", energy resources restrictied economic development, because we use undeserved,excessive dependence hindering the development of other industries.Financial in economic development function should not be ignored, especially financial support for undeveloped areas . Areas where financial industry development perfect, their economic develops perfect, financial support plays a positive role in promoting local economic. Financial development lag affects the allocation of funds, Rich resources can not effectively promote economic development, So "resource curse" accompany with underdeveloped financial system,and favorable financial support can effectively eliminate resource curse.This paper analysis centers on the transmission mechanism, and the causes of the financial perspective, the purpose of writing is cracked xinjiang "resource curse" using the financial means.under the background of western development and 19 provinces in one-for-one aid for xinjiang, play advantage resources guidance effect. Fills domestic the blank of "resource curse" based on financial perspective.

【关键词】 金融支持新疆资源诅咒破解
【Key words】 financial supportxinjiangresource cursecrack
  • 【分类号】F832.7;F205
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】151

