

The Research on the Water-lifting Aeration in the Treatment of Heihe Reservoir Source Water

【作者】 高超

【导师】 黄廷林;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 市政工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,国内很多水源地都受到了不同程度的污染,水源水质原位修复技术越来越被人们所重视,逐渐成为城市饮用水源水质改善的有效方法。扬水曝气技术是一种新型的水质原位改善技术,具有投资较低、运行管理方便灵活等特点,尤其适用于水质季节性变化大、内源污染严重的水源水库的原位水质改善。本文针对黑河水库的内源污染问题,较系统地研究了扬水曝气器在水库内源污染控制方面的作用与效果。主要包括两个方面的内容:(1)黑河水库水质分析及污染成因分析;(2)扬水曝气器对黑河水库水质改善效果的研究。本论文采用水库现场监测和实验室分析结合的方法,对黑河水库水质特征和及扬水曝气对黑河水库的水质改善进行分析研究,主要得出以下结论:(1)扬水曝气试运行期间,黑河水库下层溶解氧下降趋势得到遏制,底泥表面溶解氧浓度比08年同期平均提升了1.7~2.4mg/L,充氧效果十分显著。(2)扬水曝气能够不断混合上下水层,扬水曝气运行后,黑河水库上下层温差较08年同期减少了1.4~3.3℃,而扬水曝气器周围温差比距离扬水曝气1Km以外的点温差减少了1.9~2.8℃,扬水曝气对水体混合起到了一定的作用。(3)扬水曝气的运行有效抑制了沉积物中NH3-N、TP、有机质等污染物的厌氧释放,与08年同期相比,底泥附近的氨氮、TP、CODMn含量分别降低了75.6%、58.8%、49.7%,从而有效削减了内源污染负荷;有效控制了表层藻类的数量,抑制了藻类的生长,与08年同期相比,将表层叶绿素a的含量降低了76.5%。(4)2010年7~11月,扬水曝气运行期间,金盆水库出水水质较2008年同期得到明显改善。其中,总磷含量较历史同期削减约41.4%,基本稳定在0.05mg/L以下;氨氮含量较往年同期削减66.9%,浓度不超过0.1mg/L;CODMn含量较历史同期削减约17.6%;叶绿素a含量较2008年同期削减约53.2%,藻类抑制效果明显。运行结果表明,扬水曝气技术对黑河水库的水质改善具有显著的效果,扬水曝气技术在用于大水深水库水质改善方面是可行的和有效的。

【Abstract】 At present, most domestic resoure water has been polluted,the technology of resoure water quality onsite process are getting more and more attention by people, and gradually become effective method of urban drinking water quality improvement. Water-lifting aerator is a new techonology of water quality onsite process,it is an economic and flexible techonology. For some reservior that seasonal change is big and has serious endogenous pollution is a better way to improve the water quality.Aiming at the problem of endogenous pollutions of heihe reservoir, the paper systematically studies the effect of water-lifting aerator in improving the water quality of Heihe reservior. It Mainly includes two aspects of content: (1) Analysis of water quality and reason of pollution of Heihe reservior;(2) Result of treatment of Heihe reservior by water-lifting aerator.This paper adopts the method of reservoir field monitoring and laboratory analysis, analyzed the water quality characteristics and effect of water-lifting aerator in improving the water quality of Heihe reservior,and get the Following conclusions:(1)Because water-lifting aeration mix and recruit affect,the trend of substrate water DO fall is hold back. Dissolved oxygen of mud surface is increased by1.7~2.4mg/L,and it produces much effect in increasing DO.(2)The technology of lifting water and aeration can mix water,the difference of tempeature between surface and substrate is dereased by 1.4~3.3℃compared to corresponding period of 2008, So the water lifting and aeration produce some effect in mixing the water. (3)The water-lifting aeration circulate hold release of mud NH3-N、TP、organic pollutants,compared to corresponding period of 2008,NH3-N、TP、organic pollutants near the mud is decreased by 75.6%、58.8%、49.7%, and the internal pollution is relieved;The algae in water surface is controlled by the technology of lifting water and aeration,and the Chlorophylls-a in water surface is decreased by 76.5%。(4)The water quality in the outlet of Heihe reservior is improved during the run of water-lifting aerator, and the TP、NH3-N、CODMn、Chlorophylls-a in the outlet of Heihe reservior is decreased by 41.4%、66.9%、17.6% and 53.2% compared to corresponding period of 2008.The experimental results indicate:the water-lifting aeration have marked effect in improving water quality of Heihe reservior,and it is effective and viable in improving the water quality of reservoir with great depth.


