

The Exploration on the "New Chinese Style" Modern Residential Architecture Design

【作者】 李青青

【导师】 周文霞;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 自二十世纪以来,随着经济全球化的蓬勃发展,中国与世界建筑界的交流也更为密切,大量建筑理论和思潮涌入,全球各地的建筑风格在中国轮番上演,这一点对居住建筑尤为突出。各地具有民族风格和地域特色的城市风貌正在消失,建筑的个性和特征丧失的现象不可避免地展现在了我们面前。随着民族自信心的增强、对本土文化认知水平的提高和本土建筑师设计水平的提高,国人开始对此进行了反思,本土化的住宅设计理念也为众多的建筑师溶入其创作过程中,出现了许多反映现阶段国人居住需求和文化需求的优秀作品。该论文针对当前国内居住建筑中上出现的大量中式风格的建筑作品以及“新中式”风格日渐兴起的趋势,结合理论对实际工程案例进行分析研究,以期寻找到在居住建筑设计过程中能够让现代和传统得以更好结合的方法。本文的第一章分析了“新中式”风格居住建筑的研究背景以及国内外的研究现状。第二章通过分析传统中式住宅的特征以及与现阶段国人的居住需求,进行了新中式风格住宅兴起原因分析,明晰了新中式住宅的发展脉络,总结了新中式住宅出现的历史背景和现实条件。第三章对近年来出现的新中式住宅作品的进行了整理归类,每种类型选取典型案例,对其设计定位、创作思路和方法进行分析,归纳和总结。第四章按照住宅设计的一般程序和步骤,结合实际案例的分析研究,探讨出新中式居住建筑的设计方法和策略。第五章对中式住宅将来的发展方向进行了展望。全文借鉴成功经验,用以探讨新中式风格住宅的设计方法,希望能够为以后的新中式风格居住建筑设计实践提供一些有益的参考。

【Abstract】 Since the twentieth century, with the rapid development of globalization, China and the world’s exchanges in the architecture field become more frequently, a large number of architectural theories and ideas have been introduced in, various architectural styles from other countries dominate the market in China, which is particularly prominent on the residential building. City characterized local and regional features is fading, the phenomenon of city identity lost and urban individuality fad away is inevitably unfolded in front of us. With people’s increased national self-confidence, the raising awareness to the local culture and the raising design skill of local architects, people began to reflecte on this phenominen. Many architects begain to integrate localized design theories into their creative process, a large number of excellent projects emerged, which reflect people’s living needs and cultural needs.This treatise aimed at the current situation that a large number of Chinese-style architectural projects appeared in domestic residential buildings and the trend of the "new Chinese" style gradually rising , combined with architectural theory to study and analyze practical projects in order to find a better approach to integrate modern and the tradition in the design process of residential building.The first chapter introduced the research background and research status at home and abroad of the "new Chinese" style residential buildings.The second chapter analyzes the characteristics of traditional Chinese residential building and people’s living needs currently, then alalyzed the reasons of riseing trends of the“new Chinese style”residential buildings, clear the developing prosess of“new Chinese style”residential building and summarizes the historical background and current conditions of its emergence. Chapter III sorted and classified some“new Chinese style”residential projects which has emerged recently, select out typical cases from each type to analyze and summarize its design orientation, creative thinking and design methods.Chapter IV in accordance with the general residential design procedures and steps, combined with the analysis and study of actual projects toexpore the“new Chinese style“residential building design methods and strategies. In chapter V look forward to the future prospect of the Chinese residential development trend.From learning the successful experiences of the“new Chinese style”residential building design to explore design method, hope to provide some useful information for the future“new Chinese style”residential buildings design practice.


