

The Characteristic and the Present Situation Question Research of the Neighbor Type Lives in the Residential Area When the Initial Period of the Nation Founding

【作者】 张晴

【导师】 惠劼;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 翻阅我国近现代住区的演变史册,20世纪50年代是其鼎盛爆发的时期。在新中国刚刚建立,物质资源匮乏的那个年代,建国初期建设的街坊式住区不仅成功的满足了当时人们的住房要求,并且在城市空间形态中一度占据了重要的地位,集中反映了那个时代的城市风貌和人民的精神状态,是特定历史时期城市建设特色的代表之一。但是近年来,随着我国的社会与经济的高速发展,许多城市中蕴藏城市记忆空间形态已经被破坏或正在被破坏,而现行大规模的推倒重建式的旧城改造方式,不但破坏了这种具有历史意义的城市肌理,而且更加破坏了原有的城市生活气息。在这样严峻的情势下,街坊式住区的发展面临着巨大的冲击与挑战。本论文是以建国初期的街坊式住区为研究对象,首先就建国初期、街坊式住区等关键词进行拆解并界定,将研究对象概念清晰化;其次对其建设背景和建设过程进行了详细的理论阐述,试图使街坊式住区特有的历史背景更加明确;再次是对建国初期街坊式住区现状概况进行实例调查和相关文献资料进行搜集整理,主要是从建国初期街坊式住区的形成原因、分布状况、规划布局模式、空间特质等方面入手,以西安纺织城街坊和北京百万庄街坊为例,对现代街坊式住区的建设原因、在城市中的分布特色和空间布局模式等方面进行深入论述和研究,并通过对其详实的实地调查研究,分析出街坊式住区在现今发展中遇到的问题和矛盾;最后通过一系列的论述分析总结出街坊式住区的特色和现状问题,以此得出最后的结论。希望对今后城市居住区规划设计和建国初期的街坊式住区的研究提供基础理论资料。

【Abstract】 Glanced through our country near modern age to live in the area the evolutionannals, the 1950s is its prosperous eruption time. Just established in new China, thephysical resources deficient that age, the early years of the new nation construction’sneighbor type lived in the area not only to succeed has satisfied at that time people’shousing request, and once occupied the important status in the urban space shape, theconcentrated reflection that time’s urban style and people’s state of mind, was one ofspecific historical period urban construction characteristic representatives. But in therecent years, along with our country’s society and the economical high speeddevelopment, the urban construction and the renewal stride width sped up unceasingly,in many cities these contained the urban memory, the urban history spatial shapealready to destroy or to destroy, but present large-scale overthrew thereconstruction-like old city transformation way, not only destroyed the complete urbanskin texture, moreover even more destroyed the original city life breath. Under the suchcircumstance, the neighbor type lives in the area the development to face the hugeimpact and the challenge.The present paper lives in the area take the modern neighbor type as the object ofstudy, based on to present situation example investigation (emphatically in object ofstudy objective information collection and reorganization, including object history,position, scale, volume fraction, building density, urban road structure, boundary,architectural composition, function layout, resident condition and so on. ) and in literature material collection and collation foundation. Lives in aspects and so on arearealistic condition, spatial special characteristic, historical value and humanities valuefrom the modern neighbor type obtains, lives in aspects and so on question which to themodern neighbor type the area the present situation characteristic, the spatial specialcharacteristic and face to conduct the deep research, will pay attention to the modernneighbor type to live in the area to develop present situation and the protection value inthe future. Analyzes and practices the resonsideration through a series of proofs,summarizes the neighbor type to live in the area the present situation characteristic andthe question, will live in the area to the future city community plan design and earlyyears of the new nation’s neighbor type the research, the protection and thetransformation strategy, will have the important meaning and the historical value.


