

Research On Open Space of Small River-valley City of Northern Shaanxi Province under Combination of Peacetime and Disaster

【作者】 巫义力

【导师】 惠劼;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是一个幅员辽阔,灾害频发的国家。1976年的唐山大地震、1998年的长江流域特大洪灾、2003年的“非典”、2008年的南方大雪灾和5·12四川汶川大地震、2010年的青海玉树地震和甘肃舟曲特大泥石流等,每一次灾害的发生无不造成人员生命和财产的巨大损失。长期以来,城市多注重的是经济发展,而与城市安全相关的建设和研究却远远落后于经济发展的速度,且相关的建设和研究还多集中于东部发达城市,对西部地区尤其是陕北地域环境下的城市防灾减灾的研究仍较为缺乏。近年来,随着陕北地区煤炭、石油和天然气等能源的开采,极大的促进了本地区的城镇化发展,而用地的局促使得“建筑进沟”、“建筑上山”等成为普遍现象,同时也改变了原有的窑洞为主的建造模式,取而代之的是现代新型的高楼大厦,使沿用了千年的居住安全模式被改变,也加剧了城市发展所带来的一系列安全隐患。从建立“安全城市”的角度出发,将城市开放空间纳入城市综合防灾减灾体系,充分发挥城市开放空间在防灾减灾上的作用。平灾结合的城市开放空间,以防灾为主,兼顾平时的使用。将城市的各类开放空间纳入到城市防灾的体系之中,在满足居民日常的休闲娱乐和美化城市环境的同时,还能建立起城市的基本安全保障。以防灾为主的功能定位,不仅是城市开放空间的功能认识的转变,也是开放空间功能的进一步完善和提升。本文从我国现实的国情出发,在研究和借鉴日本及欧美国家的相关成果的基础上,从城市防灾规划入手,分析和研究平灾结合的城市开放空间的相关特征,明确其作用、地位及属性;同时对陕北地域环境特点下的城市、城市开放空间、灾害特征进行分析研究,选取具有区域代表性的河谷型小城市——甘泉县,并对城市频发灾害及研究的时间范围进行界定;在结合北川新城、汶川县城、北京市元大都城垣遗址公园的相关规划经验的基础上,分别从城市整体布局和场地规划的角度研究和探讨适合于陕北地区河谷型小城市平灾结合的城市开放空间的布局、选址、定位、场地、设施的规划策略,并总结相应的规划程序和构建要点;最后以甘泉县为具体研究对象,从宏观和微观两个层面针对性探讨甘泉县平灾结合的城市开放空间所采取的规划策略和方法,力求对今后陕北城镇在城市安全方面的规划和建设起到一定的指导作用,进一步保障城市的安全。

【Abstract】 China is a vast, disaster-prone countries,the Tangshan earthquake in 196, the 1998 flooding of the Yangtze River , the "atypical pneumonia" in 2003, the big snowstorm of the South china and the 5.12 Sichuan earthquake in 2008, the earthquake in Yushu in Qinghai and Gansu Zhouqu large debris flow in 2010 And so on, each time disasters causing all the great loss of life and property.Over the years, the cities put more focus on urban economic development, but the urban construction and security-related research has lagged far behind the pace of economic development and related construction and research are also more concentrated in the developed eastern cities, only litter research does on urban disaster prevention and mitigation of the west china, especially under the Shaanxi North geographical environment.In recent years, with the coal, oil and natural gas’s mining, it greatly promoted the urbanization in the region, but the cramped space makes the "building into the ditch", "building up the hill" become a common phenomenon, and it also changed the original cave-based construction model, replaced by a modern new high-rise buildings, so that the residential security mode which used in a thousand years has been changed, also all of these contributed to urban development brings a range of security risks. From the establishment of a "Safe City" point of view, the urban open space is put into the city’s comprehensive disaster prevention and mitigation system, and gives full play to urban open space in the role of disaster prevention and mitigation.The open space under the combination of peacetime and disaster put the disaster prevention first ,but also take account the unusually use , it put various types of open space the city into urban disaster prevention system not only could meet the residents’daily entertainment need and beautify the city environment, but also build the city’s basic security. Prevention-oriented Functional of urban open space is not only a change in mind, but also a further improvement in the function of open space .Under the reality of China’s national conditions and do research on the relevant results of Japan and European countries, this paper do the analysis, summarize and evaluate to the larger disaster which influence the cities most, start from the urban disaster prevention planning, do research on the Urban open space system composition and configuration requirements, planning principles, and clear the properties and functions of open space under the view of combinated use of peacetime and disaster .This paper considers the reality of China’s national conditions, research and learn from Japan and European countries’relevant results, start from the urban disaster prevention planning, analysis and research combined level disaster-related characteristics of urban open space to clarify its role, status and property; and at the same time, do the research on cities, urban open space under the Northern Shaanxi, then take Ganquan county which is the regional representative small valley city for example, and define the urban highly frequent occurrence disaster and the time range of this study; in the light of the New City of Beichuan, county town of Wenchuan, Beijing Yuan Dynasty City Wall Relics Park, this paper do research and study for a small valley in the northern regions disaster in city open space with the layout of the city , location, location, venue, facilities planning strategies from the view of the overall layout and the city planning, summarizes the planning process and build the corresponding points;Finally, take the Ganquan county as the concrete research object, discuss the planning strategies and methods of guanquan county’s open space which considering both peach time and disaster from the macro and micro levels view, and strive for playing a guide role for the future safety of northern Shaanxi towns in the city planning and construction and to protect the safety of the city further.


