

Monitoring and Numerical Simulation of Construction Wall Rock on Super Section Multi-arch Tunnel

【作者】 岳齐贤

【导师】 霍润科;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市规模的扩大,城市交通拥堵成为各大城市面临的重大问题之一。地下铁道工程作为城市轨道交通的重要组成部分,具有运量大,污染小,不影响地面交通等优点,受到了城市决策者的青睐。哈尔滨地铁哈南站站~农科院站区间四连拱段属于大断面浅埋土质隧道,采用双侧壁+中导坑法进行施工,论文以此工程为背景,对不同施工阶段围岩变形情况进行监测及数值模拟分析。论文首先利用ANSYS11.0软件对该工程的施工过程进行二维有限元分析,采用Durcker-Prager屈服准则,研究双侧壁+中导坑法施工的不同阶段围岩的变形规律,得出在施工过程中围岩和支护结构的稳定性和受力状态。研究发现在四连拱隧道的左侧和右侧隧洞以及中导洞施工过程中产生了大约80%的位移;在隧道的拱顶及拱脚部位是围岩应力集中区域,最有可能在此发生破坏;四连拱上下行线及中导洞拱顶部分区域的σ1出现拉应力的现象,但随着计算的进行,拉应力逐渐消失,受力状态改善。其次,对XK1+450断面实施监控量测,并对监测结果进行整理分析。通过对地表沉降、拱顶沉降和净空收敛监测数据的分析与判断,发现围岩变形主要出现在距掌子面一倍洞径范围内,一到三倍洞径变化速率减小,三倍洞径以后趋于稳定。最后,通过对有限元分析结果和监测数据结果的对比,对四联拱隧道围岩变形规律进行了总结。

【Abstract】 With the expansion of city size, urban traffic congestion become one of the major problems faced in major cities. As an important part of traffic, the underground railway project, with big traffic, low pollution, does not affect to the ground transportation, etc., is accepted by the city decision-makers of all ages. Super section multi-arch tunnel of Harbin Subway, between Hananzhan station and Nongkeyuan station, are large shallow soil tunnel with double-wall + construction tunnel construction method. On this background, this paper does research on the conduct monitoring and numerical simulation of wall rock with various stages.Firstly, this paper studies the deformation of two-dimensional finite element analysis process by the use of ANSYS11.0 software with Durcker-Prager yield criterion. This paper studies the deformation of double wall and in the heading construction method at different stages and concludes the stability and stress state of the support structure and wall rock during construction. Study found that the left and right tunnel and the heading construction process in four-arch tunnel had about 80% of the displacement; the tunnel vault and the arch part of it is stress concentration surrounding area, most likely in this damage occurred; the left and right tunnel and the pilot tunnel of four-arch tunnel vault tensile stressσ1 phenomenon occurs, but as the calculation progresses, the tensile stress gradually disappear, the stress state improve.Secondly, the implementation of XK1 +450 Monitoring Section, and the results analyzed. By surface subsidence, vault settlement and convergence monitoring data analysis and judgments, found that rock deformation occurred mainly from the tunnel face one time of the tunnel diameter, in the range of one to three times the tunnel diameter change rate decreases, three times the Diameter later stabilized.Finally, compared with the finite element analysis results and monitoring data, the four-arch tunnel deformation law is summarized.


