

Study on How Debt Tax Shield Affect on Company Financing

【作者】 麦文琴

【导师】 谭利; 曹书军;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 会计学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 负债融资的利息在计算所得税时可以从应税所得中扣除,从而产生税收抵免收益,也即通常所税的税盾价值。MM(1963)认为,为了充分利用税盾价值,在引入公司所得税的资本结构模型中,公司价值最大化的最优资本结构是100%的负债。随后,权衡理论,代理理论都直接或间接地利用负债融资税盾价值讨论债务资本与权益资本的选择。本文将基于民营上市公司的样本,讨论税盾价值对民营上市公司融资行为的影响。研究发现税盾价值正向作用于民营上市公司的负债融资行为,折旧和投资抵免的非负债税盾价值对民营上市公司的负债融资行为影响相反;虽然非负债税盾价值对负债税盾价值具有“替代效应”,但作用有限。2008年的所得税改革,实现了内外资企业所得税的统一。新《企业所得税法》将法定税率调整为25%,并规定原执行15%优惠税率的企业在5年的过渡期内逐步将执行税率提高到25%。至此,所得税改革使得部分企业的实际税负降低,而部分企业实际税负升高。本文研究了税率变化对公司融资行为的影响,发现税率提高的企业增加了负债,而税率降低的企业由于融资环境的改善和税盾价值的依赖并没有降低负债,但税盾价值的影响变弱。鉴于民营上市公司特殊的内部治理结构,本文将引入股权集中度,以第一大股东持股比例作为解释变量,探讨股权集中度通过税盾价值对公司融资行为的影响。研究表明,第一大股东控制企业的,没有表现出对税盾价值的重视;而第一大股东共同控制企业的,对负债税盾价值表现出强烈的偏好。

【Abstract】 The interest of debt financing can be deducted from the taxable income before taxing and taking the tax-deducted advantage ,is called the tax shield.MM(1963)considered that, to take full advantage of the tax shield, the optimal capital structure of maximizing firm value is 100% in debt in the model of Capital structure when being introduced the firm tax. After that, the Trade-off theory and the Agency theory all discussed how to make choices between debt and equity by using the tax shield. This paper will discuss how the tax shield acts on the financing behavior based on the sample of listed private enterprise. We find that the tax shield affects positively on debt financing behavior, and the non-debt tax shield, including depreciation and investment credit, has an opposite affection on it. The non-debt tax shield has an substitution effect on debt tax shield , though it’s quite limited.The foreign-funded and domestic enterprise had realized unification in tax after tax reform in 2008. The new tax law set 25% (33% before)as statutory tax rate , meanwhile it required that some companies implementing 15% preferential rate gradually increased to 25% statutory tax rate in transition period of 5 years. Therefore some companies’active tax rate rised while some descended. This paper studied how the rate changes acted on the company financing behavior. We find that tax rate-rised companies have increase debt, and tax rate-descended companies have not decreased debt may due to improvement of financing situation or their relying on debt ,but the affect of tax shield on debt becomes weak.Considering the special internal manage structure, we introduce the concentration of equity, diming the first ownership as the independent variable , and explore how the concentration of equity effects company financing behavior through the tax shield. We find that if the first ownership controls the company , he doesn’t show any attention to the tax shield, and if the first ownership controls the company with others , he will show a strong preference to the tax shield.

【关键词】 负债税盾价值负债融资实际税率非负债税盾
【Key words】 Debt Tax ShieldDebt FinancingETRNDTS
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

