

Research on Energy-saving Sintered Shale Hollow Bricks

【作者】 郑云

【导师】 彭志辉;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 材料科学与工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着能源危机的出现,节能、低碳和绿色建筑在国民经济中的意义越来越受到重视。工程实践证明,墙体及窗户的保温隔热,是实现建筑节能的关键,而墙体材料的发展,又是实现建筑节能的基础。所以随着国家墙改政策的实施,市场上出现了不同类型的新型墙体材料,其中,空心砖得到了非常广泛的应用。在烧结实心砖中设置空气间层和内置微孔,都能有效改善烧结砖的热工性能。然而,空心砖孔型设计并不十分合理,以及缺少微孔化方面的研究。针对上述问题,本文作以下分析:首先在分析空气间层传热特点的基础上,考虑孔型、孔径比、孔洞率、孔排数和列数、排列方式等不同空气间层的孔洞结构对空心砖热工性能的影响,模拟结果表明:矩形孔具有较好的保温性能,而且随矩形孔长宽比增加保温效果愈好;增加孔的排列数、孔洞率和孔肋延长线系数都能提高空心砖的热工性能。市场上190mm×200mm×240mm节能空心砖模拟分析的导热系数为0.258 W/(m·K),实测为0.248 W/(m·K),相对误差约3.6%;优化设计的节能空心砖模拟分析的导热系数为0.236 W/(m·K),与市场节能空心砖相比,降低约8.5%。第四章,在分析锯末、煤矸石和造纸污泥的基本物性、化学成分及热解特性等的基础上,分别按不同掺量和页岩混合,经陈化、成型、干燥和烧成等工序,通过混合料可塑性指数、烧结制品的密度和抗压强度等指标,分析成孔剂在生产烧结页岩空心砖时的合理掺量。试验表明:成孔剂的燃烧大都发生在200~600℃范围内,因此制品烧成过程中,在此温度范围内升温速率不宜过快,使成孔剂燃烧充分从而促进烧成反应;随着锯末和煤矸石掺量的增加,混合料的可塑性呈减小趋势,而造纸污泥能提高混合料的成型性能。其次,当锯末掺量9%时,密度降低至1166 Kg/m~3,导热系数达到0.48 W/(m·K);煤矸石掺量60%时,密度降低至1457Kg/m~3,导热系数为0.62 W/(m·K);造纸污泥掺量11%时,密度降低至1284Kg/m~3,导热系数为0.54 W/(m·K)。结合生产工艺、力学性能等的要求,成孔剂的适宜掺量:锯末掺量≤5%,造纸污泥≤9%,煤矸石可根据制砖热量和可塑性要求,适量掺加,节约用煤。最后,借助X射线衍射分析了锯末掺量3%、煤矸石掺量40%和造纸污泥掺量7%的烧结制品的相组成,结果表明在经950℃烧成反应后,主要相组成为:石英、莫来石和长石等。在第五章中,利用优化的节能空心砖型、在确定页岩和煤矸石掺量的混合料中,再分别掺一定量的锯末和造纸污泥进行生产实验,烧制的节能型烧结页岩空心砖,其强度达到GB13545-2003标准规定的抗压强度MU3.5级,密度低至约700 Kg/m~3。

【Abstract】 With the emergence of the energy and resource crisis, the significance of energy saving, low carbon and green architecture in national economy, it gets more and more attention. Engineering practice shows that the thermal insulation of wall and window, which is the key to achieve building energy efficiency, and the development of wall materials, which is also the basis for the realization of building energy efficiency. So along with the national wall change policy implementation, different types of new wall materials appeared on the market, among them, the hollow brick have been very widely used. Through setting the air layer and introducing micro-porous in the bricks, that can effectively improve the characteristics of thermal performance. However, hollow bricks’groove design is not very reasonable, and lack of micro-porous research. The following analysis is the view of above questions:First, considering hole pattern, hole diameter ratio, holes rate, hole row number and column number, arrangement, etc, and these holes structure on the characteristics of the thermal performance impact, Simulation results show that rectangular hole has the better thermal insulation performance, and as rectangular hole length-width ratio increases, the heat preservation effect is better; increasing holes row and column number, holes rate and pore rib extension cord coefficient, the thermal conductivity of hollow bricks can be improved. the market energy-saving hollow bricks 190mm×200mm×240mm ,its thermal conductivity of simulation analysis is 0.258 W/(m·K), the actual measurement value is 0.248 W/(m·K), the relative error is about 3.6%; through the optimized design, its thermal conductivity of simulation analysis is 0.236 W/(m·K), compared with the market energy-saving hollow bricks, thethermal conductivity reduce about 8.5%.In chapter 4, based on analyzing sawdust, coal gangue and paper mill sludge basic physical property, chemical composition and pyrolysis characteristics, separately as different dosage mixed with shale, after aging, molding, dry and sintering, get the finished, through mixture plasticity index, the density and compressive strength index of the finished to analyze the reasonable dosage of pore-forming agent in producing micro-porous shale hollow bricks.Test analysis shows as follows: pore-forming agents combustion tend to occur in 200 ~ 600℃, therefore, during the sintering process, too fast heating rate is unfavorable, make pore-forming agents burning full so as to promote firing response; with the sawdust and coal gangue content increased, the plasticity index of mixture appears decreasing trend, while the paper mill sludge can improve the formability of mixture; Secondly, when the admixture proportion of sawdust is 9%, the density is reduced to 1166 Kg/m~3, thermal conductivity reaches 0.48W/(m·K); coal gangue admixture proportion is 60%, the density is reduced to 1457Kg/m~3, thermal conductivity reaches 0.62 W/(m·K); when the admixture proportion of paper mill sludge is 11%, density is reduced to 1284Kg/m~3, thermal conductivity reaches 0.54 W/(m·K). Combined with the requirements of production process and mechanical properties, the appropriate dosage of pore-forming agents in the production as follows: sawdust dosage≤5%, paper mill sludge dosage≤9%, under the premise of ensuring the plasticity and heating value of mixture, the dosage of coal gangue is as maximum as possible, to save coal. Finally, By using X-ray diffraction to analyze the phase composition of fired brick, whose ingredients contain sawdust 3%, coal gangue 60% and paper mill sludge 7%, the result showed that after 950℃firing reaction the main phase composition are quartz, mullite and feldspar, etc.In chapter 5, using optimized brick type, reasonable shale and coal gangue dosage, through the production sintering experiment, we get the energy-saving shale hollow brick, its strength meet GB13545-2003 standards for compressive strength MU2.5 and density is as low as 700Kg/m~3.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

