

Study on Landscape Design of Tianrantuhua Based on the Perspective Reduction

【作者】 王裔婷

【导师】 杜春兰;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 景观建筑学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 在本文的研究内容中,作者试图建立一种研究方法:对存有透视效果图资料的清代景观设计进行较为精细的研究。作者选取盛期圆明园四十景的造景设计作为研究题材。首先通过查阅相关现存原始资料及可靠的前人研究成果证实《圆明园四十景图咏》中所绘的四十景均为盛期圆明园的事实描述,同时阐述了这份历史资料的重要研究价值,进而进行作图推测乾隆九年(1744年)彩色绢本圆明园四十景图为透视图。然后,通过广泛地收集和查阅大量历史资料从各方面证实圆明园四十景图确实为透视效果图。最后,以透视反求的作图方法将四十景图还原为景观设计平面图,并对其造景设计进行详细的分析研究。同时,本文也试图最大限度的还原盛期圆明园造景设计相关历史信息。因为晚清到近代有关圆明园的原始资料都遭到巨大劫难,现存原始资料残缺不全,近现代的各种研究资料也需要重新确认辨析。因此,本文在尽量运用原始资料的同时,将各种相关的前人研究资料进行了相互比对和验证,以图获得可靠的推断。本文的资料辨析主要集中在:对类似研究资料的可信度分析、有关建筑尺寸和名称推断、关键人物工作环境和师承关系推断、植物种类的辨析等方面。这些信息和景观设计平面图一起,还原出当时当地的设计情境,为造景设计研究提供基础。限于客观条件,作者仅选用了四十景中的天然图画这一景点作为研究对象。应用上述研究方法,还原乾隆九年(1744年)天然图画的景观设计平面图,并根据所得到的平面图,从各个景观要素、历史成因等对这一景点进行造景设计的精细分析。本文基于这样一种认识:即在真实的设计中,人能体验到的效果是最为重要的,体验不到的设计效果对体验者来说并不重要。因此,本文的研究重点不是做考古研究,而是以能记录当时园林盛况最清晰、直观的“圆明园四十景图”为基准效果图进行景观设计的还原研究,探讨圆明园盛期的园林景观设计。本文的核心创新点也不在于对单景点进行事实考古探究,而是选择四十景图中的天然图画一景,通过分析各种文献资料还原其设计情境,通过透视反求还原其景观设计平面图。并希望通过尝试这一研究方法,形成一定研究成果,对还原圆明园盛期的景观设计同时对圆明园的景观历史研究有所帮助。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the author of the study content to have tried to establish an information of the qing dynasty pivot rendering landscape design are relatively fine the research methods.The author selected stage of yuanmingyuan 40 landscape landscape design as the theme of study. First, by consulting relevant archaeological materials and reliable previous research results confirm the yuanmingyuan 40 landscape figure "into the painting of 40 landscape are described, the fact that stage yuanmingyuan and expatiates the important research this historical material value, and then, a graphic speculate qianlong nine years (in 1744) color length yuanmingyuan 40 landscape the graph is perspective. Then, through widely collect and consulting a large number of historical data from various aspects prove yuanmingyuan 40 landscape figure does for perspective rendering. Finally, to put this in perspective drawing method of the reverse the 40 landscape for landscape design plan figure reduction, and the landscape design carried on the detailed analysis of the research.At the same time, this paper also tried to maximum reduction stage landscape design relevant historical information yuanmingyuan. Because of late qing dynasty to the original data about yuanmingyuan modern were huge disaster, existing original material, the modern various research incomplete information also need to confirm discrimination. Therefore, in this paper try to use the original material in the meantime, will be all sorts of relevant previous research data than each other, thus obtain reliable and verified the inference. This paper differentiates mainly concentrated in the material of similar data: credibility analysis, about building size and name assertions and key figures in the work environment and the media determinist inferencing, plant species discrimination, etc. These information and landscape design plan together, then the design of a reduction of local situation, providing foundation for landscape design.Limited to objective conditions, the author of the 40 landscape solely using natural picture this scenic spot as the research object. The aforementioned research methods, restore qianlong nine years (in 1744) natural picture of landscape design plan, and according to the plan, received from each landscape elements, such as historical cause in this scenic spot for landscape design fine analysis.This paper is based on the idea that namely the design of the real, one can experience the effect is most important, not to the design effect experience is not important who experiences. Therefore, this research focus is not do, but archaeological research record was marred by can most clear, intuitive garden "yuanmingyuan 40 landscape graph" as a benchmark for rendering the reduction of landscape design, this paper discusses the research of imperial garden and landscape design stage.This article core innovation points nor in carrying out fact of single attractions, but archaeological inquiry choose 40 landscape in the chart the natural picture one scene, through the analysis of various literature material reductive its design situations, pass clairvoyant reverse reductive the landscape design plan. And I hope by trying to this study methods and form a certain research results of the landscape design of the reductive yuanmingyuan stage of yuanmingyuan landscape and historical studies help.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

