
基于Pioneer 3-AT的变电站巡检控制系统设计与实现

Design and Implementation of Control System of a Inspection Robot for Substation Equipment Based on Pioneer 3-AT

【作者】 王可之

【导师】 梁山;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 变电站巡检机器人是实现变电站自动化巡检的一种重要形式。设计方便稳定可靠的机器人控制系统是使巡检机器人正常工作,提高巡检作业效率和质量的有效手段。论文在重庆市科委科技攻关计划项目“变电站巡检机器人关键技术研究及开发(CSTC2009AB2139)”的支持下,开展基于Pioneer 3-AT移动平台的巡检机器人控制系统的研究。主要工作包括以下五个方面:①根据变电站的巡检工作需求,构建了基于Pioneer 3-AT移动平台的巡检机器人系统,包括控制系统、通讯系统、监控系统、导航系统和避障系统。②基于客户端/服务器(C/S: Client/Server)模型构建了巡检机器人本地控制系统。基于ArNetworking软件系统设计了客户端与服务器的连接与通讯,基于VS.2003 MFC和数据库系统设计了控制中心界面并编程实现了对地图和实时图像的接收和操作。③基于浏览器/服务器(B/S: Browser/Server)模型设计了巡检机器人远程控制系统。利用Windows下的IIS服务构建Web服务器系统,利用视频服务器进行视频的传输与处理,利用ASP. NET编写友好的人机交互动态页面,利用ActiveX控件实现与服务端机器人实时交互。④设计了基于局部任务的巡检机器人直接控制系统,将工作人员控制操作标记为局部任务命令序列发送给机器人,机器人根据检测传感器的输入动态调整和重新规划局部任务序列,克服了时延对机器人直接控制带来的影响与不确定性。⑤提出了基于全局任务的巡检机器人监督控制系统,将变电站巡检要求标记为全局任务。根据不同需求,工作人员可以对全局任务进行制定、设置和修改,机器人根据全局任务要求自动执行巡检任务,它的优先级低于基于局部任务的直接控制模式,操作人员可以在需要的时候通过直接控制介入机器人全局任务运行中,克服了机器人在执行任务过程中不能自主解决遇到的问题或者不能完全按照人的意识执行的缺点。同时,在设定或修改某些具体设备巡检要求的过程中需通过直接控制系统操作机器人实现。实验结果表明,用户能够通过本地控制中心准确的控制和操作机器人执行巡检工作。远程控制中心可以方便无人值守或少人值守变电站的管理人员在任何时间、任何地点通过WWW浏览器访问和控制巡检机器人。用户可以通过基于局部任务的直接控制系统可靠的控制机器人到达指定位置,客服了时延的影响,消除了机器人控制中的不稳定性和不确定性。通过基于全局任务的监督控制系统,提高了变电站机器人的自动化水平,同时,工作人员可以通过任务反馈界面实时查看视频及传感器等的监测数据。

【Abstract】 Inspection work is a vital task in maintaining the substation equipment security and reliability. It is the effective implement of substation inspection task through the robot. The design of control system with efficient and reliable in substation inspection robot is an important job.A robot inspection system for substation equipment based on Pioneer 3-AT is presented in this paper, and it focused on the control system including local control system and remote control system. The work described in this paper was supported by Scientific and Technological Project of Chongqing (CSTC2009AB2139). This work includes the following five aspects:1) The hardware subsystem of the robot inspection system based on Pioneer 3-AT is constructed by this paper according to the requirements of the substation inspection task, including the control subsystem, communication subsystem, monitoring subsystem, guidance subsystem and obstacle avoidance subsystem.2) The local control center based on Client/Server (C/S) is designed in this paper. The software system of connection and communication of client and server based on ArNetworking is described. The Graphic User Interface (GUI) of local control center is designed based on VS.2003 MFC and SQL server. The operator can control the robot conveniently and get the results quickly through GUI .3) The remote control center based on Browser/Server (B/S) is designed. The server system is constructed using the IIS server in Windows environment. The dynamic interactive interface webpage is designed based on ASP.NET and the ActiveX. This is very convenient to the users far away form the substation who want to control the robot or take a look at the status of the robot. Because they can use the WWW browser anywhere through getting access to the Internet.4) The direct control system of the robot based on part task is proposed. By dividing the direct control command to the part task array, the robot can plan and adjust the order according to the monitoring sensor. This method improves the flexibility and convenience of the robot control, and it also overcomes the disadvantage of the influence of the time delay in the command transmission.5) The supervisory control system based on global task is designed. The inspection requirement is marked as the global task in the system. The manager can set and modify and send the task to the robot as required of the inspection. The robot can perform the task automatically. This method increases the automation level of the inspection work and decrease the requirement for the operator.The experimental results demonstrate that the user can control the robot and get the monitoring data of the substation conveniently through the local control center and the remote center. The direct control system based on part task contributes to reduce the influence of time delay and improve the stability in the control of the robot. The supervisory control system based on global task is beneficial to the increase of the automation in the substation inspection. Also, the user can get the clear grasp of the monitoring data including video and sensor through the interface of the control center

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP242;TM76
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】264
  • 攻读期成果

