

Study on Personal Bankruptcy Exemption

【作者】 李冯银

【导师】 刘丹;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 民商法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 理论上,法人破产制度是个人破产制度的延伸;事实上,拥有完善个人破产制度的国家,一般都是先有个人破产制度后才有法人破产制度。而在我国,法人破产制度已随破产法的颁布得以实施,然而“个人破产法”却迟迟不肯出台。即使我国在2004年的《破产法(草案)》中第170条难能可贵的对“个人破产免责制度”作了相关规定,但最终在2006年出台的《破产法》仍将其删除。2008年,我国汶川大地震,造成几十万间私人房屋倒塌毁损,出现了大量的因房屋倒塌而无力偿还购房贷款的情形。同年5月25日,中国银行在四川广元市受理了我国首例个人房贷客户提出无力偿还住房按揭贷款的申请。因此,笔者立足于我国地震后出现的新情况,以及我国目前房价过高、资产出现泡沫风险的等经济问题,认为我国目前已经可以研究个人破产问题,并加强对“个人破产免责制度”相关配套措施进行更深层次的研究,为将来个人破产制度的建立提供借鉴。本文的主体内容包括五个部分:第一部分作者介绍了个人破产免责制度的理论基础,主要是为后面的研究作铺垫。作者首先明确了个人破产免责制度的内涵,即破产债务人在破产程序终结后,对其未能依破产程序清偿的剩余债务,免除其继续清偿的责任。其次,作者对个人破产免责理论的产生、发展进行了纵向梳理,并且指出虽然我国目前还没有建立个人破产免责制度,但它在我国的历史上却的的确确出现过。之后作者着重阐述了个人破产免责制度的先进理念,从而得出该制度有利于推动经济发展的结论。第二部分作者将研究的视角投向国外及我国台湾地区的个人破产免责制度。由于我国目前还没有个人破产免责制度,所以作者将国际上现存的个人破产免责的不同模式、条件、效力等具体制度系统化。并且通过横向的分析、比较,总结了不同国家个人破产制度的优缺点。在这部分中,作者试图借鉴其他地区的经验,为最后一部分构建适合我国的个人破产免责制度提供指导。第三部分的内容是作者针对前两部分的研究得出的结论,即我国目前应该立足国情,建立起个人破产免责制度。我国市场经济发展至今出现了许多诸如个人消费信贷增长过快等自身无法调节的问题,从而迫切的需要出台个人破产法。而个人破产免责制度作为个人破产法的核心内容和必要条件,直接决定着个人破产法能否出台及什么时候出台。除此外,个人破产免责制度有利于营造市场经济环境的公平。同时在大多数发达国家都已确立个人破产免责制度的国际大环境下,制定个人破产免责制度有利于实现我国与国际社会的接轨。第四部分作者探讨了我国目前建立个人破产免责制度遇到的现实困境。主要是我国的传统观念使得大部分人在思想上仍然难以接受个人破产免责。其次,个人破产免责制度与我国现行法律体系中的各部门法存在诸多断层,使得一些重要概念的内涵或外延界定模糊,必然产生法律适用上的冲突。另外,个人信用等相关配套制度的不完善使得目前不敢冒然制定适用于所有人的个人破产免责制度。第五部分作者提出借鉴和吸收国外一些先进国家的个人破产法的立法经验,结合我国当前的具体国情,制定出一部具有中国特色的个人破产法,为个人破产免责制度提供法律上的支持。再通过对个人破产免责具体制度上的设计和相关配套措施的完善为诚实而又不幸的债务人提供全新开始的机会,从而促进整个社会经济的发展。

【Abstract】 Theoretically, a bankrupt of legal personal system is the outspread of a personal bankruptcy system. In fact, countries who has a good personal bankruptcy system, generally have first personal bankruptcy system before a bankrupt legal person system. And in China, bankrupt legal person system has promulgated by the implementation of bankruptcy law. However, "personal bankruptcy law" does not come. In the 2004 "bankruptcy law (draft)", the first article of the”170”personal bankruptcy has been provisioned. But eventually in 2006 the introduction of the "bankruptcy law is still deleted.In 2008, China’s earthquake, killing hundreds of thousands of private houses collapsed and damaged, there has been a large number of houses collapsed due to the inability to repay home loans situation. May 25 the same year, Bank of China had received China’s first customer inability to repay personal loans home mortgage loan application in Guangyuan City in Sichuan. Therefore, the author based on China’s new situation after the earthquake, and China’s current prices are too high, the risk of asset bubbles and other economic issues. The author believe that our country now can study the problem of personal bankruptcy, and strengthen the "personal bankruptcy exemption system" supporting measures for a deeper study, for the future establishment of personal bankruptcy system for reference. The main body of this article includes five parts.The first part of the personal bankruptcy exemption system introduced the theoretical basis, primarily to pave the way for later research. The author first defines the meaning of personal bankruptcy exemption system. Insolvent debtor in the bankruptcy proceedings, the insolvency proceedings for failing to pay off its remaining debts to pay off exempt from its responsibility. Second, the authors have personal bankruptcy exemption theory, development of the vertical comb, and pointed out that although China is still not established personal bankruptcy exemption system, but it is in our history there have been very real. Then the author focuses on the advanced concepts of personal bankruptcy of the exemption system, and come to the conclusion that it will promote the economic development.The second part will examine the perspective of foreign and Taiwan region invest in the personal bankruptcy exemption system. Since China is currently no system of personal bankruptcy exemption, the author of the internationally existing different models of personal bankruptcy exemption, conditions, effectiveness, etc. straighten out the specific system. And through the horizontal analysis and comparison, the author summarizes the different countries of the advantages and disadvantages of personal bankruptcy system. In this section, the author tries to draw on the experience of other regions, for the last part of the building for exemption of the personal bankruptcy system provides guidance.The third part of the content is for the first two parts of the study concluded. We should depend on our current situation, and establish personal bankruptcy exemption system. The development of China’s market economy has been many, such as excessive growth of consumer credit and other problems can not be adjusted themselves to the urgent need for the introduction of personal bankruptcy law. The development of China’s market economy has been many, such as excessive growth of consumer credit and other problems which can not be adjusted themselves to the urgent need for the introduction of personal bankruptcy law. The personal bankruptcy exemption system , as the core content and the necessary conditions of personal bankruptcy law ,will determine whether the introduction of the personal bankruptcy law, and when introduced. In addition,, the personal bankruptcy exemption system is benefit to create a market with fair environment . While in most developed countries have established personal bankruptcy exemption, the development of personal bankruptcy exemption system is conducive to the realization of China’s integration with the international community.The fourth part of the content is the difficulties that we encounter in how to establish China’s current system of personal bankruptcy exemption. The main reason is that most people still difficult to accept the disclaimer which is conflict with the traditional concept. Second, there are many faults between the personal bankruptcy exemption system and the legal systems in our current law, which makes the content or epitaxial of some conception vague. Problems of confliction on the law applicable are arising. In addition, the personal credit and other supporting systems was afraid of making the current development of imperfect apply to all personal bankruptcy exemption system.The fifth part of the content is proposed learn and absorb foreign advanced countries enacting the law of personal insolvency experience. Focus on our present special conditions of our country, the author try to develop a personal bankruptcy law personal bankruptcy exemption system which provide support for the Personal bankruptcy law with Chinese characteristics. It provide a new chance to start for the honest but unfortunate debtor by improve the design of personal bankruptcy exemption specific system and some related measures, which finally promote the developments of social and economic

【关键词】 个人破产免责制度立法构想
【Key words】 personal bankruptcydisclaimer systemlegislation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】D922.291.92
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】197
  • 攻读期成果

