

A Study of Conceptual Metaphors and Ideologies in Lyrics of Fang Wenshan’s "Chinese Style" Songs

【作者】 文静

【导师】 余渭深;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国流行音乐界,方文山的“中国风”歌曲在年轻人中尤其受欢迎。究其原因,年轻人有与方文山相似的意识形态。一些研究已经从修辞和文化的角度进行了分析。但本文将从另一个角度出发——概念隐喻。通过分析概念隐喻,莱可夫总结了民主党和共和党的世界观,并将研究延伸至两者意识形态上的冲突,有力地证明了概念隐喻反映意识形态的功能。因此,受莱可夫启发,本文从他和约翰逊的概念隐喻理论出发,就方文山“中国风”歌词中概念隐喻反映出的意识形态做探索性的探究。本文试图回答以下问题:(1)方文山的“中国风”歌曲描述了哪些主题?(2)概念隐喻下的意识形态是怎样的?这些意识形态是如何通过概念隐喻反映出的?(3)为什么年轻人会偏爱他的歌词?本文采用个案研究的方法。语料库由34首方文山“中国风”歌曲的歌词构成。按照爱情、战争、中国传统文化、功夫和乡愁这五个话题,隐喻表达被分为五类。在每一类中,隐喻表达又按照源域分类。接下来的个案研究包含了对概念隐喻和由其反映出的意识形态的解析。语料库中隐喻表达很丰富。概念隐喻的主要源域包括旅途、人类、花、容器、饮品、物体、水、酒、疾病、药、弓箭、茶、胡同和月亮。个案研究揭示了概念隐喻折射出的部分方文山的意识形态。在他眼里,现代社会的爱情是悲伤的、艰难的、遗憾的、无助的、短暂的。战争,剥夺人们的生命和幸福,因此,应该被严格限制。中国传统文化值得尊重,因此应该摈弃盲目的崇洋媚外。功夫不是用来伤人的暴力,而是一种可以帮助人们摆脱烦心事物的途径。为了所谓的更好的未来和财富而离开自己的家乡和文化并不是明智的。为预防乡愁,必须对文化遗迹进行保护。这一系列意识形态同时也被年轻人们赏识和认可,促成了方文山歌词的成功。本文所做的尝试拓宽了概念隐喻在实际应用中所涉及的语料库,证明了在分析意识形态时,概念隐喻是一种行之有效的工具。本文也为教育提供了一些思路,有助于我们为年轻人提供更有效的教育。

【Abstract】 In the popular songs field in China, Fang Wenshan’s“Chinese style”songs enjoy the popularity of young people. The reason lies in that young people share similar ideologies with him. Some researches have explored his ideologies from the rhetoric and cultural perspectives. However, this thesis is carried out from a different angle--conceptual metaphor. By analyzing conceptual metaphors, Lakoff summarized worldviews of liberals and conservatives and extended his observations to their major ideological conflicts, demonstrating that ideology can be revealed by conceptual metaphors.Therefore, inspired by Lakoff, this thesis attempts to make an elaborate exploration of Fang Wenshan’s ideologies implied in the lyrics of his“Chinese style”songs, from the perspective of Conceptual Metaphor Theory, aiming to answer the following questions: (1) What are the main topics in the lyrics of Fang Wenshan’s“Chinese style”songs? (2) What are his ideologies implied by conceptual metaphors and how do these conceptual metaphors reflect his ideologies? (3) Why do young people prefer his lyrics?This thesis is designed as a case study. Corpus of this research is composed of the lyrics from 34 Fang Wenshan’s“Chinese style”songs. Metaphorical expressions are classified into 5 categories according to the topics of love, war, traditional Chinese culture, Kung Fu and homesickness. In each topic, metaphorical expressions are categorized in accordance with their source domains. Following them, the case study which covers the explanation of conceptual metaphors and the implied ideologies in the five topics is presented.Metaphorical expressions are abundant in the corpus. The major source domains include journey, human, flower, container, drink, entity, water, liquor, illness, medicine, bow and arrow, tea, Hutong and moon. The case study reveals some of Fang Wenshan’s ideologies behind the conceptual metaphors. The love in modern society, in his eyes, is sad, difficult, regretful, helpless and temporary. War, depriving people of lives and happiness, should be strictly controlled. Traditional Chinese culture deserves great respect and therefore the blind worship of western culture should be abandoned. Kung Fu is not a violent means harming to people, but a possible way to get rid of some annoying things. The trend to leave one’s hometown and culture for the so called better future and fortune is not rational. To prevent culture homesickness, the protection of cultural heritage is necessary. These ideologies are appreciated and recognized by young people, contributing to the success of Fang Wenshan’s lyrics.The attempt of this thesis broadens the corpus of conceptual metaphors’practical use, proves the effective function of conceptual metaphor in analyzing the ideology and offers a hint for a more efficient education we wish to give to young people.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

