

Landscape Design Research of Mountain Expressway in Chongqing

【作者】 巫凯

【导师】 李向北;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 艺术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着上世纪我国改革开放,从80年代起至今,特别是90年代之后,伴随着我国国民经济的发展这一“果”,同时服务并为经济腾飞的“因”之一,我国的道路交通事业取得了长足进步和革命性成就,无论从里程还是等级都有了前所未有的突破,在这样道路交通发展的大背景下,高速公路作为道路的一种更快速,更高等级的形式,同样在近20年间取得了举世瞩目的发展成就。随着高速公路建设的规范化,成熟化,人们已经逐步意识到高速公路景观建设对于高速公路的重要性。在我国早期的高速公路设计建设中仅仅只注重其交通运输的传统公路设计理念,已经无法满足经济提高,技术发展以及时代进步的需求。且由于高等级公路投资往往相当巨大,一旦建成,将大大影响对国家的规划布局,国土整治,区域经济建设规划产生巨大影响,因此高速公路本身不单单是推动社会经济发展的“主动脉”,也是展示地方形象的“主窗口”,更是展示当地形象来客给予当地“第一印象”的重要组成部分。与此同时,在我国产业发展战略转移的西部承接发展的契机下,西部地区高速公路建设近年来的跨越式发展的大背景,重庆市提出的“五个重庆”中“畅通重庆”“绿色重庆”“健康重庆”的精神指引下,以山地地区为主的西部特别是重庆山地这一特殊地形地貌环境下的高速公路建设也同时面临从高等级公路建设的单纯的建成里程指标评价过度到当前的安全,环保,舒适和以人为本的需求,还满足人心理上包括但不限于对“美”的享受,故对西部山地高速公路景观设计的相关研究已日显迫切。在重庆这座山地和重丘面积占94%的典型山城,山岭重丘区占了大部分比例,特殊的地理环境使得重庆高速公路建设桥隧众多,特大桥与特长隧道及隧道群居全国之冠,施工的艰巨性和建设管理的难度在全国实属罕见。令人遗憾的是,巨大成本建设的高速公路,大多却缺乏可与之匹配的景观规划设计,或在景观规划设计之后出现种种遗憾,使得原本应瞩目的巨资建设项目黯然失色。因此对于我国当前的高速公路景观建设,山地高速公路的研究显得尤为迫切。本文从山地地区高速公路景观的概念入手,总结归纳山地地区高速公路景观特征,得出相关设计原则和方法,结合分析重庆山地高速景观的实际情况,提出相应策略。

【Abstract】 With China’s reform and opening up the last century, from the 80’s to the present, especially after 90 years, with the development of national economy of the "fruit", while services and for the economic take-off "because" one of the roads in China transport has made considerable progress and revolutionary achievements, in terms of mileage or have an unprecedented level of breakthrough in the development of such a background of road traffic, the highway as a road of a more high-speed, higher levels of the form, the same In the past 20 years has achieved remarkable development.With the standardization of highway construction, maturation, especially the rapid development of China’s economy, people have realized that design and construction of the highway transportation only to focus only on its traditional highway design concept, has been unable to meet the economic improvement of technological development, and progress of the times demand. And because the investment is often enormous highway, once completed, will greatly affect the country’s planning and layout, land improvement, the regional economic development planning a huge impact, not a single socio-economic development of the "aorta" is also showcasing local image "main window" is given to show the local image of the local "first impression" of the important part.Strategic shift in our industry to undertake development opportunities west of the western highway construction by leaps and bounds in recent years, the background, Chongqing’s "five Chongqing" in the "smooth Chongqing", "Green Chongqing" "health Chongqing" Under the guidance of the spirit, the western mountainous Chongqing, in particular circumstances of this particular topography of the highway construction highway construction also face the simple evaluation of the completion of milestones over to the current safety, environmental protection, comfort, and people-oriented requirements, but also to meet psychologically, including but not limited to the "beautiful" to enjoy, so the western mountain highway landscape design research has become increasingly urgent.In Chongqing and hilly area of this mountain and 94% of the typical mountain, mountainous areas account for most of the proportion of the special geographical environment makes a number of bridge and tunnel construction in Chongqing highway, bridge and tunnel with the long tunnel the nation’s largest social and construction of the difficulty and the difficulty of construction and management is rare in the country. Unfortunately, the huge cost of building the highway, most of the match but lack of landscape design, landscape design or after the emergence of various Unfortunately, making an already-profile construction projects should be eclipsed.Therefore the significance of highway landscape, the research on mountain highway, it is particularly urgent. This highway landscape from the mountain region concept, summarized the highway landscape features mountainous areas, to reach appropriate design principles and methods, combined with high mountain landscape of Chongqing, the actual situation, the corresponding strategies.

【关键词】 山地高速景观设计
【Key words】 mountainlandscapedesignexpressway
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

