

Research for the Legal System of Risks Regulation about New-Type Rural Financial Institutions

【作者】 冉曦

【导师】 胡光志;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 经济法, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 从法律与经济发展的关系不难看出,农村金融体制的建立与完善必须有相应的制度规范,农村金融市场的有效运作则必须以秩序为前提。而无论是制度、规范,还是秩序,都是法制建设的基本任务与目标,如果农村金融法制不健全,农村金融发展障碍就始终无法排除。因此,政府如何运用金融政策进行农村经济的宏观调控需要法律授权,政府宏观调控的权力、范围、措施及效力均需法律明确规定;农村金融市场主体的行为规则需要法律确认,农村金融市场秩序也需要通过法律予以保障。法制化是我国农村金融改革和农村金融市场建设的必由之路,其重点包括:一是以法律保障农村金融主体的资格健全和行为规范;二是要依靠法制的力量,维护良好的农村金融环境;三是要依法规范各级政府的行政行为。[1]本文是关于农村新型金融机构风险监管法律制度缺陷问题的研究。农村新型金融机构的运营实践表明,只有在其内部和外部建立一套完善的风险防范机制,才能更好地规避农村新型金融机构运作中的风险,保障农村新型金融机构的安全运行和健康发展。因此,本文在借鉴前人理论研究成果的基础上,讨论农村新型金融机构风险监管法律制度,检视其存在的问题及原因,进而提出完善农村新型金融机构监管法律制度的对策。第一章,绪论。介绍农村金融和农村新型金融机构发展的背景,概括性揭示农村新型金融机构在目前农村金融市场发展中出现的法律监管问题,并就此问题的国内外相关研究进行了归纳整理和分析,进而介绍了本文的研究方法与研究思路。第二章,农村新型金融机构风险监管及其法律制度。本章从农村新型金融机构、农村新型金融机构风险、农村新型金融机构监管等概念的梳理与解读,对农村新型金融机构监管的法律制度的概念和必要性进行了分析,并采用历史方法,对农村金融监管法律制度作了一个系统的回顾。第三章,农村新型金融机构风险监管法律制度的理论与实践基础。本章有两个方面:一是农村新型金融机构风险监管法律制度的理论基础,包括经济学理论基础与经济法学理论基础,即建立法律监管的理论依据是什么;二是农村新型金融机构风险法律制度的实践基础,即建立监管法律制度的实践依据。第四章,国外中小型金融机构风险监管及其借鉴。因为国外没有我国农村新型金融机构的称谓,因此本文整理国外与我国农村新型金融机构类似的中小金融机构的法律监管情况,并试图揭示其可资借鉴的经验。第五章,我国农村新型金融机构风险监管法律制度存在的问题及其原因。本章首先分析了我国农村新型金融机构风险监管法律制度中的一系列问题,如:监管部门干预权问题、准入监管退出监管问题与内部控制问题等。并从宏观与微观角度分析存在这些问题的原因。第六章,完善我国农村新型金融机构风险监管法律制度的思考。本章是全文的重点之一。在面对现实、找出问题及其原因的基础上,对农村新型金融机构监管的基本原则、目标进行了论述,最后提出了建立多元化的农村金融监管体系、规范农村新型金融机构经营风险监管、完善农村新型金融机构内部控制体系和健全相关法律、提高立法层次等具体建议。研究结果表明,大力发展农村新型金融机构能够缓解我国现有农村地区金融机构覆盖率低、金融服务供给不足、竞争不充分状况。对完善农村金融组织体系、增加农村金融服务供给、增强农村金融市场竞争活力、促进农村经济可持续发展将产生重大影响。农村新型金融机构发展遭遇到了风险监管的法律制度障碍。为了促进农村经济和农村金融协调发展,既要大力发展农村新型金融机构填补农村金融服务空白,又要尽快完善农村新型金融机构风险监管法律制度,为农村新型金融机构健康可持续发展创造良好的制度环境。

【Abstract】 From the relationship between law and economic development, it is not difficult to find that establishing and perfecting the rural financial system need corresponding systems and norms; and the effective functioning of rural financial markets must take the order as a precondition. The system, norm and order are the basic tasks and goals of the legal construction. If the legal system of rural finance is not perfect, the obstacles of rural finance development can not be eliminated. Therefore, it needs the legal authorization for the government to use the financial policy to macro control the rural economy. The power, scope, measure and efficacy of the macro-control should be defined by legislation. The code of conduct of the rural financial market needs legal recognition. And the rural financial market order needs the legal guarantee. Legalization is the only way to reform China’s rural finance and construct rural financial market. It mainly includes: 1) using the legislation to guarantee the sound qualification and the code of conduct of rural finance; 2) using the power of legal system to maintain the good environment of rural finance; 3) legally regulating the administrative act of the governments at various levels.This paper focuses on the deficiency of the legal system for the risks regulation of new-type rural financial institutions as well as the strategies for problem-solving. The operational practice of the financial institutions indicates that it is necessary to establish a perfect risks prevention mechanism within and without in order to better avoid the operational risks of the institutions and guarantee the safe operation and healthy development of the institutions. Therefore, basing on the previous theoretical researches, this paper studies the legal system for regulating the risks of new-type rural financial institutions, analyzes the existing problems and reasons, and consequently puts forward the countermeasures for perfecting the legal system for supervising the new-type rural financial institutions.ChapterⅠ,Introduction. This chapter first introduces the background of the development of rural finance and new-type rural financial institutions, reveals the present situation of the legal regulation of new-type rural financial institutions, then summarizes and analyzes the related researches at home and abroad, and finally describes the research methods and research approaches.ChapterⅡ, the legal system for risks regulation of a new-type rural financial institutions. This chapter first studies the concepts of new-type rural financial institutions, risks of new-type rural financial institutions and regulation of new-type rural financial institutions, then analyzes the necessities of the legal system for the institutions supervision, and finally uses the historical methods to make a systematic review of the legal system of the rural areas financial regulation.Chapter III, the theory and practice basis of the legal system for risks regulation. This chapter has two main themes: 1) the theoretical basis of the legal system, including the theoretical basis of economics and economic law; 2) the practical basis of the legal system.ChapterⅣ, the reference to the risk supervision of small and medium financial institutions abroad. Because there is no corresponding version for new-type financial institutions abroad, this chapter summarizes the legal supervision situation of small and medium financial institutions abroad and tries to reveal the useful experience.ChapterⅤ,the existing problems and causes of the legal system for risks regulation. This chapter first analyzes a range of problems of the legal system:the intervention issues of supervision department, the permission and quitting of supervision and internal control issues, then analyzes the causes of these problems from macro and micro views.ChapterⅥ,the measures to improve the legal system for risks regulation of new-type rural financial institutions. This chapter is one of the keystones, which first, on the basis of problems and causes, discusses the basic principles and goals of the regulation, and finally,puts forward some suggestions to perfect the relevant laws and to improve the legislative level.The research results shows that vigorously developing the new-type rural financial institutions can ease the situation of low coverage of the rural financial institutions, inadequate supply of financial services and insufficient competition. It can also perfect the rural financial organization system, increase the supply of rural financial services, enhance the competition vitality of the rural financial market and promote the sustainable development of rural economy. The development of new-type rural financial institutions is encountering the obstacles of the legal system for risks regulation. In order to promote the coordinated development of rural economy and rural finance, we should vigorously not only develop new-type rural financial institutions to fill the gaps of rural financial services, but also expedite the perfecting of the legal system for risks regulation to create a good institutional environment for the sustainable development of new-type rural financial institutions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

