

Research on the Non-competition Agreement Legal Matter

【作者】 余文霞

【导师】 杨春平;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 竞业禁止是世界各国普遍使用的,用以协调、平衡市场主体之间各自权益、遏制无序竞争的一项非常重要的法律制度。竞业禁止可分为广义的竞业禁止和狭义的竞业禁止,本文主要是对狭义的竞业禁止进行相关研究,即对具有竞争关系的特定人的特定行为的禁止的研究,从实质上来看,竞业禁止所要限制的行为,其实是一种广义上的不正当竞争行为。竞业禁止是市场经济发展到一定阶段的产物,确立和完善竞业禁止制度是市场经济健康发展的必然要求。随着市场竞争的日益激烈,竞业禁止的适用范围也在不断地扩大。目前,该项制度已经成为各主要发达国家以立法形式来保护其商业秘密的一种非常重要的手段,同时该项制度也被大多数企业用来保护其商业秘密,成为了企业保护商业秘密的一项非常有效的法律保护措施。而由于该制度在我国起步较晚,加之我国立法对此规定尚不完善,随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的不断发展与完善,民事主体出现空前的自由,各类市场活动主体相互之间的竞争也越来越激烈,因而在实践中出现了大量有关竞业禁止问题方面的纠纷。正因为如此,理论界也对此进行着激烈的讨论,主要集中在,我国是否应当设立该项制度,该制度合法性如何以及应该怎样对其实行合理的限制等。因此,笔者认为,在当前市场经济飞速发展的今天,为了保障我国社会主义市场经济的健康运行,有必要对我国竞业禁止协议问题进行相关理论研究和探讨并在此基础上完善我国的竞业禁止协议法律制度。本文从竞业禁止协议的基础理论出发,考察并借鉴了国外关于竞业禁止协议制度的相关规定,对竞业禁止协议的效力及法律救济进行相关解析,着重分析了我国现有法律制度中的相关规定及其存在的问题,并在此基础上提出了为完善我国竞业禁止协议法律制度所作得一些设想和建议,借以希望这些建议能为我国竞业禁止协议制度在实践中的运用提供有益借鉴。本文共分为六个部分。第一部分主要介绍了竞业禁止协议的一般基础理论,涵盖的内容包括竞业禁止协议的法律界定、历史沿革、基本原则以及关于竞业禁止协议的国内外研究现状。第二部分的主要内容是竞业禁止协议制度的国际考察与借鉴,分别介绍了英美法系和大陆法系关于竞业禁止协议制度的相关法律规定以及这些国家的规定对我国法律的借鉴意义。第三部分主要解析竞业禁止协议的效力认定,论述了竞业禁止协议效力的一般理论、竞业禁止协议的的合法性判断标准以及对竞业禁止协议的合理性限制。第四部分主要介绍了违反竞业禁止协议的法律救济问题,分析了违反竞业禁止协议的判断、违反竞业禁止协议的责任构成以及违反竞业禁止协议的责任承担方式。第五部分主要介绍我国竞业禁止协议的立法现状,并分析了我国竞业禁止协议制度存在的问题。第六部分为完善我国竞业禁止协议制度的建议,笔者认为,为完善我国竞业禁止协议制度,应着重从如下几个方面入手:完善立法,明确竞业禁止协议的合法地位;适当扩大竞业禁止协议的保护范围;明确竞业补偿费用的标准及计算和支付方式以及完善违反竞业禁止协议的责任承担方式等。

【Abstract】 In nowadays, the competition prohibition has been widely used in worldwide in order to contain the unordered market competition and coordinate the equities of the market participants. It is a very important legal system. There are two aspects of the competition prohibition ---- generalized competition prohibition and narrow competition prohibition. This dissertation is going to investigate the competition prohibition in narrow terms, which will focus on the research of the behaviors of the specific participants of competitive relationship. From the essences of the view, what the competition prohibition is going to prohibit is the range of unreasonable competitive actions.The competition prohibition are the inevitable result of the development of market-oriented economy. As well, the establishment and improvement of the competition prohibition rules is required by the future development of market-oriented economy. With the increasingly fierce market competition, the scope of application of the competition prohibition rules has become larger and larger. Recently,the competition prohibition rules have been used as the critical legal way to secure the business secrets in most of the developed countries. Meanwhile, the rules are also widely used by the enterprises as the major legal method to protect trade secrets. In China, however, the use of the rules started late and there is no clear legal definition in this field. Therefore, with the development of the socialistic economic system of marketing in China and the increasing freedom for civil subjects, the participants of marketing action has become more and more server. As a result of the increasing competition, an increasing number of disputes about the competition prohibition appear in practices. Those issues triggered a hot debate on this field, such as whether the rules should be carried out in China and how to formulate and practice the legality etc. From writer’s point of view, in recent, the period of market economic rapid development, it is necessary to investigate the related issues about the Non-competition Agreement (NCA) theoretically and improve the legal regulation about NCA, in order to ensure the socialistic economic system of marketing can be operated in a right way.In this dissertation, the analysis will start with the description of some basic theories; and some regulations about NCA in foreign countries will be used as references to analyze the efficiency of NCA and legal remedy. The most important part of this work is to discuss the problems of the relative legal rules in China. Based on this part, some suggestion will be put forward in order to ensure the improvement of the relative legal regulations in China.This dissertation concludes six parts, as follow:First part is going to introduce the basic theories of NCA, which includes the definition, history, basic principles and some recent existing researches in this field.The second part will focus on discussing the international investigations of NCA, which are the relative legal regulations based on Common law system and Continental law system. As well the influences of those regulations on China will be covered.Thirdly, it will observe the definition of the NCA’s efficiency, including the common theories, the validity criteria and NCA’s limitation.In fourth modules, the legal remedy issues about infringement of NCA will be discussed, which analyze the criteria, responsibility structure and methods of undertaking the responsibilities.The fifth part will be introducing the current situation of the legislation of NCA and analyzing the problems existing in recent regulations.In the final part, some suggestions will be covered for enhancing the NCA rules. In writer’s opinion, the measures have to be taken in some aspects, as follow:To improve the legislation through putting forward a clear definition of NCA’s legal status.To enlarge the protection scope of NCA appropriately.To legislate a explicit and efficient a set of compensation cost criteria, including how to calculate and pay; and perfect the methods to carry out the responsibilities while violating NCA.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】D922.5;D923;D922.29
  • 【下载频次】170

