

Theory and Application of Energy Balanced WSN Route Protocol

【作者】 唐琦

【导师】 乔兵;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 导航、制导与控制, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 无线传感器网络是一种新的信息获取和处理技术,在军事、工业控制、环境监测、医疗救助等领域都有广泛的应用前景。无线传感器网络是由大量廉价、低功耗且具有传感、数据处理无线通信功能的微型传感器节点组成,节点之间以无线自组织方式协同工作,其目的是采集、处理节点覆盖区域的数据发送给观察者。无线传感器网络可用于环境监测、军事等严酷的环境中,这使得不可能在中途更换电池,一般基站距离较远,每个节点传输数据到基站会浪费很多能量,所以论文中提出了二级簇头路由协议,它能使节点能量尽可能的均衡分布到各个节点,从而延长整个网络寿命。通过对现有典型分簇算法的研究及分析发现许多分簇算法存在能量不均匀消耗的问题,根据这一问题论文提出一种基于负载均衡的无线传感器网络分簇算法MCEE(Multiple clustering Energy-Efficient Protocol),通过平衡节点载荷使得网络内成簇大小均匀,从而均衡了网络内节点的负载。通过MATLAB仿真,验证此算法在距离较远的情况下,性能要优于两种典型的分簇算法HEED和LEACH。基于CC2530芯片,设计实现了节点硬件平台,设计了氧气、二氧化碳传感器模块,各节点能够采集各种物理量实现稳定的2.4GHz射频数据传输。在分析研究了TinyOS操作系统后,在该平台下实现了本文提出的MCEE算法。最后根据系统设计要求,定义了普通节点到基站及基站到上位机软件的通信协议,使得数据按统一的标准在无线传感器网络中传播。设计并实现了上位机监控管理软件,实时显示温度、湿度、氧气及二氧化碳含量等曲线,此监控软件还结合数据库,存储并可用于查询网络监测中上位机获得的数据,为产品的质量检测提供决策帮助。

【Abstract】 Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) provides versatile computing platforms for the applications such as environmental monitoring and military field surveillance. The WSN deployed in these applications are usually faced with harsh environments which makes it very hard or impossible to rechange their node batteries. So it is necessary to fabricate specific protocol for WSN to enable its nodes efficiently utilize their energy. Motivated by this practical demand, a hierarchical protocol architecture with multiple clustering for WSN is proposed in this paper. The cluster heads do not need to transfer information directly to the base station but to the super node through which the information will be transferred to the base station.First through analyzing the typical clustering route protocol, there exist a same problem which is the node energy consume unbalanced. In this paper an energy-efficient multiple clustering protocol is proposed. In this protocol, every node’s residual energy and the node number which belong to one cluster zone are limited. It can prolong the network time by saving the energy of node. This protocol can be more efficient when the base station far from the ordinary node in the MATLAB analyze. Its performance is better than LEACH and HEED.In this paper the hardware platform based on the chip CC2530 is designed and fulfilled, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide sensors. This platform transmits the information through 2.4GHz RF. Meanwhile the system TinyOS is also introduced. Based on this system the protocol MCEE is fulfilled. Last but not the least, the agreement which used for nodes to base station and base station to upper computer is designed. In this way, the nodes could transmit the information in the same standard. An upper computer software also be designed in this paper which is used for real-time display and users could know the history information of WSN. It also has intimate connection with the data-base.


