

Flight Control System Software Design for UVA Based on VxWorks

【作者】 蔚文杰

【导师】 黄一敏;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 飞行控制软件是无人机飞行控制系统的重要组成部分,在飞行控制系统设计中越来越重要,其性能直接关系到无人机的飞行成败。本文设计以嵌入式实时操作系统VxWorks为软件平台的无人机飞行控制软件,提出采用一种新的基于“等效飞控”的飞行控制软件设计方法,把飞行控制软件按开发阶段分为等效飞行控制软件和机载飞行控制软件。飞行控制软件中的上层核心模块控制和导航模块由基于PC机的等效飞行控制软件来完成,底层模块和其余上层功能模块在目标机环境下开发完成。最后,实现将控制和导航模块100%移植到目标机环境下,共同组成机载飞行控制软件。首先,针对新的MPC565目标机,开发飞行控制软件的底层驱动。完成MPC565自带串口以及CPU目标板上相关硬件资源的驱动开发;在继承实验室原有成果的基础上,完成飞控机中相应的PC104总线各个扩展板卡在VxWorks下驱动的移植设计。其次,依据VxWorks的多任务机制,完成飞行控制软件中上层功能模块在VxWorks实时操作系统下的的移植。这些功能模块主要包括:执行机构模块、传感器模块、遥控遥测模块、地面检测模块、机载设备模块等。最后,根据“等效飞控”的思想,借助Win32-POSIX函数库,在VC6.0环境下完成等效飞行控制软件的设计。同时,继承实验室已有的等效飞行仿真控制台软件,采用基于WIL库的UDP网络通信机制,建立与等效飞行控制软件之间的通信,二者构成等效飞行仿真系统,用于验证设计的控制和导航模块的正确性。本文对上述所做工作进行了系统的试验验证。完成了内核性能、软件性能、底层驱动等测试,验证了基于MPC565和VxWorks的飞行控制软件平台的可用性;在半物理仿真环境下,验证了基于VxWorks的机载飞行控制软件。结果表明采用“等效飞控”的飞行控制软件设计方法是切实可行的。

【Abstract】 Flight control software is one of the most important part of UAV flight control system, it becomes more and more important and determines the success of the flight directly. This paper designs the UAV flight control software based on the real time operation system VxWorks, and put forward a new approach to design the flight control software based on“equivalent flight control”. It Designs the embedded part and windows part respectively on the different period of the software development.The control and navigation modules of flight control software were designed based on Windows, the driver and the rest of the functional modules of flight control software were designed based on embedded environment, the control and navigation modules can be transplanted 100%.Firstly, it develops the driver of flight control software based on new MPC565 target.These driver contains the MPC565 serial and the relevant hardware resources of target Board.In addition, the driver of the other PC104 I/O board can be transplanted from existing driver.Secondly, Based on VxWorks multitasking mechanism, it transplants the functional modules of FCS to VxWorks environment.These functional modules including: Actuators module, Sensor module, Test module, Remote module, Device module such as the module.Finally, based on“equivalent flight control”, it develops equivalent flight control software useing Win32-POSIX libraries in the VC6.0 development enviroments.Meanwhile,based on the WIL-UDP network of communication mechanism, this paper designs the equivalent flight control simulation system,that is used to verify the accuracy of control and navigation modules of flight control software .All of the works have an comprehensive test and emulation.The result shows that the method of flight control design based on“equivalent flight control”is conscientiously feasible in project.


