

Research on High Speed Amphibious Vehicle’s Virtual Prototype Technology Based on Wheel’s Retracted and Deployed

【作者】 崔金一

【导师】 阮米庆; 赵又群;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 车辆工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 快速性是水陆两栖车辆的重要战术性能指标,也是目前国内外两栖车辆研究的重要方向。为实现我国两栖车辆增速的目标,本文基于已有车型,完成推进器选型、布置及车体设计等工作,并利用虚拟样机技术对某改型后的水陆两栖车辆的水、陆双重性能开展相关研究。综合考虑推进器与发动机的匹配、尺寸等各方面因素,基于推力、阻力平衡原理,筛选出合理的喷水推进器,并确定航速,为接下来的流体动力学分析提供条件。同时,确定了两栖车辆水、陆双重驱动路线,并完成水上驱动装置的布置。参照高速两栖车辆车体特征,依据高速艇动力学相关理论,应用CATIA曲面造型模块对两栖车首、中、尾部分别进行设计,并构建整车模型;同时设计了一款新型防浪板。应用Gambit软件对加装和未加装防浪板的两模型及其流场区域,采用混合网格技术及尺寸函数控制法划分网格。在Fluent中应用VOF方法、标准k ?ε湍流模型、明渠流和几何重构技术,对比分析了两种模型水上各项性能。结果表明:加装防浪板的模型,水上性能更优。根据可收放悬架的特点和参数,在ADAMS /Car软件中构建车辆前后悬架、转向系、车身、轮胎的子系统模型及整车模型。根据国家车辆试验标准,对改型后的车辆完成转向盘转角阶跃仿真试验、稳态回转仿真试验、蛇行仿真试验、转向轻便性等操纵稳定性虚拟仿真试验。仿真结果说明该车具有较好的操稳稳定性能。

【Abstract】 High-speed is an important tactical performance indicator for amphibious vehicles, and is also a significant research direction. To raise the speed of our amphibious vehicles, water-jet selection, arrangement and body design works are completed in this article, based on existing models; some related researches on waterborne and overland double performance are done for the re-constructing vehicle by using virtual prototyping technology.Comprehensively considered the match of the propeller and the engine power, size, etc.and based on the principle of the thrust and drag forces balance principle, a reasonable water jet propulsion is selected. Simultaneously, the sailing speed is determined, which provided a basis for the next fluid dynamics analysis. In addition, the amphibious car’s waterborne and overland double-driven lines are defined, and the waterborne driven line arrangement is completed.In body design process, the whole vehicle is divided into three parts-head, middle and rear. Reference on high speed amphibious vehicle body features and high speed craft dynamics theories, the three parts are designed, respectively, in CATIA shape-design module. Still a fresh style of wash plate is designed. In Gambit, hybrid grid technology and the dimensions control function are used, in order to gain reasonable grid for two amphibious vehicle analysis models: one with wash plate and the other without. In Fluent, VOF method, k ?εstandard turbulence model, open channel flow and geometric reconstruction are applied to get comparative analysis of the two models waterborne performance. The results show that the model with wash plate has the better waterborne performance.According to the characteristics of the wheels’retracting and parameters, the ADAMS/Car software is used to build the vehicle front and rear suspension subsystems, steering subsystem, body subsystem, the tires subsystem and the whole vehicle model. Based on national vehicle test standards, controllability and stability virtual simulation test-steering step, steady-state of rotary, snake and steering efforts, are done in ADAMS/Car.The analysis results illustrate that the vehicle’s controllability and stability is good.


