

The Design of Portable Vibration Signal Measurement System and Vibration Signal Analysis

【作者】 雷娴

【导师】 陈仁文;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 为了给压电发电能量回收系统的结构优化提供依据,需要了解在现实环境中压电换能结构的输入振动信号,因此设计了一个便携式振动信号测试与分析系统对南京长江大桥的振动加速度信号进行采集和分析,并将分析得出的振动位移信号作为输入对压电换能结构的能量输出和能量转换效率进行了分析。便携式振动信号测试与分析系统分为振动信号测试终端和振动信号软件处理中心两部分。振动信号测试终端采用ICP压电加速度传感器将大桥振动的加速度信号转换为电压信号,通过信号滤波和放大电路将电压信号传输到笔记本电脑,信号传输可以采用无线数传模块通过无线的方式进行传输,也可以利用数据采集卡通过USB接口进行传输。采用虚拟仪器技术搭建信号测试平台,Labview与Matlab混合编程的方式实现对信号的频谱分析、小波变换以及信号的频域积分。结合第一类压电方程对压电双晶片悬臂梁式换能结构的能量转换效率进行分析,将采集到的振动位移信号作为系统输入激励对换能结构的输出电能进行了分析。得出压电换能结构在不同压电片厚度和压电振子长度下,能量转换效率随着压电振子长度的增加而增加并受压电材料厚度的影响的规律,为压电换能结构的优化提供了依据。

【Abstract】 In order to provide a reference for the structural optimization of piezoelectric energy harvester, it needs to obtain the actual vibration excitation applied to the energy transforming elements. Thus a portable vibration signal measurement and analysis system is designed to test and analyze the vibration’s acceleration signal of Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge. Furthermore, on the basis of the obtained vibration signal, analysis of output power of the energy harvester and the energy transforming efficiency are given.The portable vibration signal measurement and analysis system is composed of two parts: the signal testing terminal and the vibration signal analyzing software. First of all, the signal testing terminal transforms the vibration acceleration signal into the corresponded voltage signal with the ICP piezoelectric acceleration sensor. Then the voltage signal is delivered into the computer either with the wireless module or with the USB port connected to the DAQ. Mixed programming with Labview and Matlab, the signal analyzing flat is established to give the frequency analysis, the wavelet transform and the frequency integral of the signal.Moreover, with the piezoelectric equations, the output power could be obtained and the energy converting efficiency of the piezoelectric energy harvester is carried out. In the end, the influence of parameters of the piezoelectric energy transforming elements on the energy converting efficiency is put forward, which provides a reference for the further optimization.


