

Location and Construction of Education Assistance Law in China

【作者】 张伟

【导师】 俞德鹏;

【作者基本信息】 宁波大学 , 经济法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的住房救助制度在全国范围内逐步建立,但相应的法律制度并不健全。2007年11月27日建设部等部门联合发布《廉租住房保障办法》,同年11月30日,又发布了《经济适用住房管理办法》,但至今尚未建立专门性的住房救助法律制度。专门性的住房救助立法,是建立住房保障体系法律制度的基础。它保障低收入家庭在住房方面实现真正意义上的平等,保障公民的住宅权,也是落实科学发展观、依法治国和构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求。本文采用历史分析法、比较分析法、经济分析法等研究方法,对住房救助立法进行了较为全面和深入的研究。全文共分四个部分。第一部分阐述了我国住房救助法律制度发展的历程和存在的问题。首先在了解住房救助概念和特征的基础上探讨住房救助法律制度的性质,然后论述我国住房救助法律制度发展的历程,最后分析住房救助法律制度存在的问题,包括住房救助法律体系和住房救助法律规范两个方面的问题。第二部分分析我国住房救助立法的合理性。首先,从住房的商品性、调节国民收入分配和促进社会公平、保障公民住宅权和建设法制社会四个个角度论述我国住房救助立法的必要性;其次,分析我国住房救助的现实依据,立足住房救助的国内法基础,结合住房救助立法的域外经验,论述我国住房救助立法的可行性。第三部分阐述了我国住房救助立法的定位。在提出四种立法模式的基础上,笔者提议采用综合立法模式,即由全国人大及其常委会立法。住房救助立法的宗旨有三个:保障住房弱势群体的住宅权;维护社会稳定;实现住宅小康的目标。在立法原则上提出租售并举原则、政府主导、社会参与原则、适度救助原则和与经济发展水平相适应原则。第四部分阐述了我国住房救助立法的具体制度。从救助对象、救助资金、救助房源、规划和建设、准入和退出机制和法律责任七个方面展开论述。本文还将笔者起草的《中华人民共和国住房救助法(草案)》(学术建议稿)附录在后,作为一个附带的研究成果,以供立法参考。

【Abstract】 The system of China’s housing assistance is to be established in positive ,carry out across the country , but the corresponding legal system is not perfect. The Ministry of Construction and other departments jointly issued the " Measures of Low-rent Housing Security "inNovember 27, 2007.And the same year on November 30, it issued the " Measures of Affordable Housing Management ", but we has not to establish special legal system of housing assistance. The specialized legislation of housing rescue is the basis of the legal system to establish the housing security system. It can protect low-income families to achieve real equality in the housing sector effectively, protect the right of housing in citizens, but also implement the scientific concept of development, the rule of law and building a socialist harmonious society, it is a necessary requirement.In this paper, we make a more comprehensive and in-depth research,by historical analysis of Housing rescue legislation, comparative analysis, economic analysis and other research methods,. Full-text is divided into four parts.The first part described the problems of development about The legal system of housing assistance. First, on the basis of the concept and characteristics of housing assistance to discusses the nature of the legal system of housing assistance.Then introduction China’s legal system development process, Finally,analysis of problems, including the legal system and norms of housing assistance.The second part analysis the housing rescue legislation is reasonable. First of all, we discussed the need for China’s housing rescuelegislation from four perspectives:the social security attributes of Housing, adjust the national income distribution and promote social justice, guarantee citizens the right to housing and construction Law Society.Then, analysis of Housing Assistance’s reality based on realistic basis amd domestic law,combined with the experience of housing rescue legislation with extraterritorial research , discussing the feasibility of our housing rescue legislation. The third part discusses the position of Housing Recuse legislation. On the basis of four Legislation by proposed, the author proposes an integrated legislative model, so NPC and its Standing Committee, legislative model of "Housing Assistance Act".We have three purposes of the housing assistance legislation:Protection of the residential housing rights of vulnerable groups;Maintaining social stability; Achieve the objectives of residential.And In principle we propose the principle of both rental; government leadership, social participation principle;the principle of moderate relief and the principle of economic development level The last part discusses the housing rescue legislation in our specific system. Including objects from the relief, relief funds, aid availability, planning and construction, entry and exit mechanisms and the legal responsibility of the seven aspects to start on.I drafted this article will be "The People’s Republic of China Housing Assistance Bill (Draft)" (Academic Proposal) Appendix in the latter, as an incidental research results, for the legislative reference.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 宁波大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】D922.182.1;F293.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】226
  • 攻读期成果

