

A Research on Crude Oil Electrical Desalting Equipment with Intelligent Response

【作者】 王成斌

【导师】 牛俊邦;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 材料科学与工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 由于开采工况的恶化和生产工艺的约束,原油不可避免的含有水和盐类。原油含盐对炼厂生产危害巨大:增加了能耗;造成设备腐蚀,严重影响安全生产;增大了生产成本。但是送入炼厂的原油受各种不利因素的影响,越来越趋于重质化,劣质化;同时炼厂为提高效益也有原油深加工的需要,这些都对脱盐设备、工艺提出了较为苛刻的要求;传统设备已不能很好的满足这些实际需要。因此本课题着手研制新型电脱盐设备。作者首先研究了高压电场对原油乳化液的作用原理以及电脱盐的工艺流程,结合现场实际和实验数据进行分析研究,发现多级脱盐时,注入的淡化水和原油的混合程度直接决定了脱盐的效率。而传统的机械混合措施效率较低,不能满足当前的实际需求;所以依据电分散理论和电载响应系统中的静电混合原理提出了自己的脱盐电场调整方案。本课题设计的电脱盐系统分为智能响应型脱盐电源、变压器、脱盐罐三部分。作者主要是进行智能响应脱盐电源的设计:首先利用课题组在矩形波脱水电源方面积累的技术优势,进行了电源的主电路的设计。脱盐电源设有手动和自动两种模式,其中自动模式是专门针对脱盐工艺的特殊需要而设计的,即在调压控制电路中设计了智能响应控制系统。该系统的功能是:单片机智能响应用户设置参数的请求,并控制D/A转换芯片输出模拟控制电压;该控制信号输入到PWM调制芯片TL494的反馈输入端,由它控制调压电路中IGBT模块的占空比,从而实现脱盐电场的调整。此外系统为单片机配备了外存,保证掉电时参数信息不丢失;通过RS232数据接口实现了单片机与上位机的数据传输;采用VC++6.0编程语言,设计、编写了上位机界面,方便了用户的操作和控制。智能响应模块的软硬件调试成功后,进行了系统的实验室脱盐脱水试验。实验结果表明:在规定条件下,脱后各项指标达到了设计要求;多级脱盐时传质效果明显,脱盐效率高,脱后含盐率均在5mg/L以下,好油在3mg/L以下,完全满足实际需求。基于相同设计原理,设计的电脱盐设备进行了现场试运行,现场应用表明设备运行安全、可靠;脱盐脱水效果良好,各种油品都能保证脱后含水率在0.1~0.2%之间,含盐率在5mg/L以下;同时节能效果也十分显著,基本满足现场工艺要求,有很好推广应用前景。

【Abstract】 Due to the constraints of the mining environment and the production process, crude oil contains water and salts inevitable. The salts of crude oil severely harm the refinery production. They can form scaling, reduce heat transfer efficiency and increase energy consumption. They can corrode equipment and affect production safety. They can cause catalyst failure, reduce product quality, increase production cost and pollute the environment. But, the crude oil into refinery is affected by various unfavorable factors of influence and increasingly becomes heavier and poorer quality. Moreover, the refinery requires in-depth processing technology of crude oil for improving efficiency and reducing the cost, and the traditional equipment has not well met these needs. So, this topic research the crude oil electrical desalting equipment with intelligent response.The author first studied the mechanism of high pressure field to crude oil emulsion and desalination processes. Combined with data analysis results of the field and laboratory, we found the mixing intensity of crude oil and infusing water directly determined the desalting efficiency when multistage desalination. But, the traditional mechanical mixing method can not meet this need because of low efficiency. So, the author put forward his own electric field adjustment scheme according to the theory of electrical dispersion and electrostatic mixed.Electrical desalting system generally includes three parts: electrical desalting power with intelligent response, transformer and desalination cans. The main work is the electrical desalting power design. First, using our accumulated technical advantages on crude oil dehyd ration power supply with alternating rectangular-wave, we design the main circuit structure of power supply. The power supply has two working mode: manual and automatic. The automatic specially is designed for desalination process, and has designed intelligent response system in the voltage control circuit. In this system, MCU intelligently responds to the user’s requirements for setting working parameters, controls D/A transition chip and output analog voltage control signal. This control signal input the feedback input of TL494, PWM control chip. Through it, we can control the IGBT module’s duty cycle of the half bridge converter, and then realize the adjustment of desalination electric field. In addition, the MCU is equipped with external data storage, which is used to ensure not losing parameters’information when the power is interrupt. The data communication between the MCU and the computer is achieved by the RS232 data interface.Using VC++6.0 programming language, we designed a computer window for the user’s operating conveniently.The system’s hardware and software were completed, then we did desalination experiment. the effect of multistage desalting is good and the efficiency is high, after desalination, the salt rate is below 5mg/L and good crude oil is below 3mg/L, the system can satisfy the customer’s requirement. Based on the same design principle, the writer designed high-power electrical desalting equipment and have did field experiment. Field experiment indicates that the equipment can work stably and reliably, the effect of desalting and dehydration is good, water content can decline to 0.1~0.2% and the salt rate fall below 5mg/L. It meets the requirement of the design and has a significant effect on energy saving. There is a good application prospect.

  • 【分类号】TE624.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】113

