

Log Evaluation and Method Research of Water Flooded Reservoir

【作者】 方鹏

【导师】 申辉林;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 由于长期的注水开发,许多油田都相继进入高含水、特高含水的开发后期。由于我国大多数油田地质条件比较复杂,水驱过程很不均匀,所以在高含水阶段仍含有较高的可开采原油,具有较高的可开采价值。这就对水淹机理的研究提出了新的要求,搞清水淹过程中各种参数的变化尤为重要,在明确水淹机理的基础上才能够准确的计算剩余油饱和度、束缚水饱和度、残余油饱和度等参数,搞清地下的油水分布,对水淹层做出准确评价。油田在注水开发过程中,由于受注入水的影响,地层的孔隙结构、流体性质以及油水分布都会发生变化。油层水淹后含水饱和度增大,原始地层水性质发生变化,导致地层电阻率随水淹程度增强而发生变化。由于注入水冲刷以及储层非均质性的影响,油层水淹后孔隙结构以及流体性质发生复杂变化,油水分布复杂多样,给水淹层测井评价造成极大困难。通过对水驱实验数据分析以及理论模拟研究,重点分析了油层水淹后地层水电阻率随含水饱和度的变化规律,建立了电阻率拐点含水饱和度的计算模型,分析并评价了水淹层电阻率变化的影响因素,对水淹层测井解释研究具有重要意义。针对埕岛、南阳水淹特征建立了地层参数解释模型,并且分析了产水率的影响因素,建立了产水率计算的统计模型,明显提高其测井解释精度,为划分水淹级别奠定了基础。本论文还重点研究了岩心分析资料深度归位算法和测井曲线高分辨率处理方法,并且开发了相应的软件。根据埕岛和南阳水淹特征和测井参数解释模型开发水淹层测井解释程序,对实际数据进行处理,解释结果达到了较高的精度。

【Abstract】 After a long term flood development, many oil fields have entered the high water cut stage, the production tail of flood development. Because the Complicated geology conditions of the majority of oil-field in our country, the porcess of waterflood is very complex. So there is still high exploitable oil at the high water cut stage with high exploitation value. This needs more research of the water-flooded mechanism. It is particularly importance to figure out the changement of various parameters in the process of water floods. With the clear water-flooded mechanism, we can accurate calculate reservoir parameters, such as remainder oil saturation, irreducible water saturation, irreducible oil saturation. And accurate evaluate the water flooded layer.Because of the affection of injection water, pore structure, fluid property and oil-water distribution will change during the process of water flood. Water saturation degree aggrandizement after flooding, and complex change of the property of formation water, those changments cause variety of the formation resistivity. Because of the flushing of injection water and reservoir heterogeneity, the variety of pore structure and fluid property give great difficulty to well logging interpretation of water flooded layers.With analysis of waterflood experimental data and theory emulation research, we particularly analyzed the variety regulation of formation resistivity with the increase of water saturation, and built up calculation model of the water saturation on the formation resistivity inflection point, analyzed and evaluated impact factors of the variety regulation of formation resistivity. These works have important meaning to the research of well logging interpretation of water flooded layers.In the paper, in view of characteristics of the water flooded reservoir of Upper Ng Group in Chengdao oilfield and Nanyang oilfield, built up the interpretation models of reservoir parameters, analyzed impact factors of water cut, and built up the statistical interpretation models of water cut. Significantly improve the precision of log interpretation. The paper also emphasizes the methods of the depth correction of the core analysis data and high resolution processing of Logging curves. And we developed the corresponding software.According to the water flooding features of Chengdao oilfield and Nanyang oilfield, water flooded reservoir handling programs are exploited. From handling the real logging data, a good effect of geological application with high precision is obtained.


