

Drilling Engineering Design and Practice of Jinping 2 Plume-like Horizontal Well

【作者】 吴彬彬

【导师】 张卫东; 张振海;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 石油与天然气工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 煤层气羽状多分支水平井具有单井产量高、采出程度高、经济效益好等优势,因此在美国得到了广泛的应用,并在我国沁水盆地高煤阶煤层进行了试验,取得了良好的示范效应。但由于我国煤层地质构造比美国复杂得多,并且尚未完全掌握羽状多分支水平井关键技术,钻井实践较少,亟待发展煤层气羽状多分支水平井技术。本文首先从井眼剖面设计理论、完井方式设计理论、煤层稳定性评价与安全密度窗口设计理论、多分支水平井布井设计理论等四个方面构建了煤层气羽状多分支水平井工程设计理论。进行了晋平2井组煤层气羽状多分支水平井工程设计,包括井身结构设计、井眼剖面设计、穿针工艺设计、钻具组合设计、钻井液设计,井控及固完井设计等方面的设计。跟踪了晋平2井组羽状多分支水平井实钻的情况,针对该井直井段、造斜段、水平段钻井过程中固完井、井身结构及井眼轨迹、钻具组合、钻井液、钻井参数等方面的设计合理性做出了评价,并分析了晋平2井实钻中发生事故的原因,总结了现阶段羽状多分支水平井设计及应用的经验和教训,为未来羽状多分支水平井钻井工程设计提出了建议。

【Abstract】 There are many great advances for Plume-like Horizontal Well,such as high output from single-well, high recovery and high economic benefit and so on. It was applied on a wide range in the USA, and with good results as examples, it was tested in the high coal rank reservoirs of our country. However, due to the different geology structure with that of America,and have not mastered the key technology of the Plume-like Horizontal Well fully,drilling practice is not much enough,so it is need to develop the Plume-like Horizontal Well technology Urgently.By researching on the theory of Plume-like Horizontal Well’s design,our paper showed the analysis on the design of Jinping 2 well in details, including the structure of well, the segment of bore hole, the technology of needling, the assembling of drilling tools , the drilling fluid, the control of well, the cement and completion jobs. In combination of the analysis of Jinping 2 well actural drilling, this paper combining the later period drilling condition of Jinping 2 well group, well structure and well path, BHA, drilling fluid, drilling parameters and so on are evaluated according to the completion during the drilling of vertical well section, building up section and horizontal section. And the causes in the Jinping well 2 accident and suggestions of accident treatments are analyzed.gave us some conclusions on the experiences and lessons of designs and construction of Plume-like Horizontal Well on the present stage, and proposed us some targeted advice on the designing of Plume-like Horizontal Well.So it can be used as reference for the future designs and applications of Plume-like Horizontal Well engineering.


