

The Research of Overall Development Regulation of Tuo 7 Block Ed1 Heavy Oil Reservoir in Shengtuo Oilfield

【作者】 郑国发

【导师】 谷建伟; 陆洪涛;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 石油与天然气工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着东部油区的开发深入,稠油产量越来越受到重视。在诸多稠油油藏类型中,上第三系馆陶组,东营组河流相沉积浅层常规稠油油藏,因其具有埋藏浅,储层物性好,产量高,开发投资低等特点,一直作为胜利油田的主力层系或主力后备接替层投入开发。胜坨油田胜三区坨7块东一段就属于此类油藏,该块于1995年投入开发,采用天然能量生产,开发初期油井产量高,含水低,效益好。经过十余年开发后,该块综合含水达到83.5%,已步入高含水期开发,其各种开发矛盾也日益突出:一是储量动用程度偏低,平面及纵向储量动用不均衡;二是目前仍采用一套层系开发,层问矛盾突出,现有井网无法充分发挥各小层的潜力;三是仍采用天然能量开发,不能满足长期稳产的需求;四是目前该区块已进入高含水期,油井含水高,采出程度低,采收率低,需要进行开发调整优化。为了解决以上开发矛盾,此次从以下几个方面开展了研究工作:开展综合地质研究,对该块构造形态,储层发育,物性,流体性质及油藏类型进行精细描述,对储量规模进行重新评价;在地质研究的基础上,对坨7块前期开发特征,开发效果进行分析评价,找出目前制约开发效果的主要问题,为开发调整设计制定提供依据;最后确定该块综合调整思路,对开发方式,开发层系划分,井网井距及井型进行论证,并对各项开发技术参数进行了计算和优化,最终确定该块的蒸汽吞吐,冷热采结合,定向井和水平井联合布井的综合开发调整方案,并对效果进行了预测和评价。本次研究以油藏地质研究为基础,以开发层系,开发方式,井网井距及各项参数的优化为核心,系统研究了改善坨7块常规稠油油藏高含水期开发效果的技术方法,对于指导坨7块东一段及类似油藏开发,提高此类油藏的采收率具有较大的指导意义。

【Abstract】 With the further development of the eastern oil province, Heavy oil production increasing attention. In many types of heavy oil reservoir, the Upper Tertiary Guantao, Dongying fluvial sediments of shallow conventional heavy oil reservoir, because of its shallow, with good reservoir properties, high output, low investment in the development, Shengli Oilfield has served as the main layer system or take over the main floor back into development. Shengli oilfield Sheng Tuo 7 Dongyi section Third District belong to such a reservoir, which invest in developing the block in 1995, the use of natural energy production, the early development of high yield wells, water is low, good benefits. After more than ten years after the development of the block the water cut reached 83.5%, has entered the high water phase of development, the development of its various contradictions have become increasingly prominent:First, the low level of reserves to use, flat and vertical storage use is not balanced; Second, using a layer system is still developing, the obvious contradiction between layers, the existing well network can not give full play to the potential of the small layer; third, still using natural energy development, can not meet the needs of long-term stable; fourth is present, the block has entered the high water cut, oil wells with high water content, low levels of recovery, recovery is low, adjust and optimize the need for development. To solve the above development of contradictions, the following aspects from the research work carried out:to carry out comprehensive geological study of the structural form of the block, reservoir development, physical properties, fluid properties and reservoir analysis of the type detailed description of the scale of the reserves re-evaluation; in geological studies, based on the early development of the Tuo 7 features, analysis and evaluation of development effects, to identify effects of the current major problems restricting the development, design development to provide the basis for development and adjustment; Adjustments to finalize the block thinking on the development, layer system development division, well spacing and type of the argument well, and the development of technical parameters were calculated and optimized, and ultimately determine the block cyclic steam stimulation, hot and cold mining combined, directional well, horizontal well integrated joint cloth adjustment programs well, and the effect was predicted and evaluated. In this study, research-based reservoir geology to develop a layer system, development mode, well spacing and optimized the parameters of the core system to improve the Tuo 7 conventional heavy oil reservoir effect of high water cut stage of technology development method for guiding a Tuo 7 Dongyi section and similar reservoir development, improve the recovery of such reservoirs has great significance.


