

【作者】 马科

【导师】 蒋华东;

【作者基本信息】 四川省社会科学院 , 人口学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 城乡一体化是中国实现跨越式发展的必由之路,然而,我国城乡一体化的道路并不平坦,城乡一体化的发展给处于人口老龄化的中国社会带来了极大挑战。随着城乡一体化进程的加速,大量的农村人口转变为城市人口,数量众多的人口在相对较短的时间内变为城市人口,特别是这个群体中的正在或者已经丧失劳动能力的老年群体,包括城市改造中、农村土地整治下和工程建设等过程中导致失地的老年农村居民,导致一方面他们已经成为融入城市的“城市居民”,另一方面这部分农民也变成了“非城非农”的失地农民,他们失去了土地养老保障这个“护身符”,且大多数享受不了和城市老年居民同等的养老保障待遇,这给他们的养老带来极大的压力。养老社会化是生产社会化的必然要求,但社会机构养老却在城乡一体化中的推行面临重重困难。而社区是作为老年人晚年生活除家庭之外的第二大空间,则可以成为社会化养老服务的主阵地。如何拓展以社区为平台,建立健全一套适应中国城乡一体化特点需求的、投资少、成本低、服务广、收益大、收费低、见效快的社区养老服务新方法以顺应现实国情的需要显得十分重要。本文在前梳理前人研究成果的基础上,通过实证研究论证城乡一体化中社区养老的必要性和实现途径,以期为解决我国城乡一体化中的社区养老问题,为全面贯彻落实城乡一体化提供有效的理论依据。本文以都江堰市在城乡一体化中的灾后重建社区、农村土地整治下的社区、工程建设导致的失地农民社区以及村中整治下等的社区的社区养老为研究对象,本文研究对象的关键在于对都江堰市城乡一体化中社区养老问题的讨论和分析。作者认为,在新的历史条件下,不断研究、总结社区养老的相关理论,并在此理论基础上分析成都市城乡一体化中社区养老的核心问题,为推进成都市顺利实施“统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区”建设和“世界现代田园城市”战略,并为广大西部地区社区养老的顺利发展提供可资借鉴的理论依据。

【Abstract】 The integration of urban and rural areas is the onlu Chinese great-leap-forward development in China,however,the urban and rural integration’s path is not smooth,the development of urban and rural integration in the aging of the population to bring enormous challenges in Chinese societh,With the acceleration of urban and rural integration process,a large number of rural population into urban population and numerous population in a relatively short time into the urban population, especially theis group of are or have to lose labor ability,including the elderly group urban renewal and the rural land renowation and construction process of rural residents lost elderly caused,resulting in hand they have become the "urban residents melt into the city",on the other hand this part farmers also turned into "the city of land-lost farmers non-farm",they lost land old-aged security this "amulet",and most enjou no and urban elderly residents equal endowment ensures treatment,this gives them endowment bring great pressure.Endowment socialization is the inevitable requirement of socialized production,but social institution endowment is the implementation in the integration of urban and rural areas face difficulties.And the community is as old people outside his family life except the second-largest space can become the main base of endowment service socialization.How to develop community based platform,establish and perfect a set of adapt to the characteristics of China’s urban and urual integration,lower inwestment demand,low cost,service wide,large gains and charges low,rapid community provide new service method to caonform to the actual conditions of the need to become very important.Based on the previous research results before combed through an empirical research,based on the integration of urban and rural areas in demonstrated the necessity and realizd community provide for aged for solving paths,hoping the Chinese urban and rural integration problens for community provide for aged overall carrying offer effective urban and rural integration theory basis.Based on the integration of urban and rural areas in Du Jiangyan post-disaster reconstruction community,the rural land renovation engineering construction of community, resulting in the village community and landless farmers regulation of low community as rewearch object,the community provide for aged of object of study in this paper to DU Jiangyan key lies in urban and rural integration of community provide discussion and analysis.The author believes that in the new historical conditions,the continuous research,summarize community provide for aged related theory and on this theory basis of Chengdu in urban and rural integration analysis of the core problem,community provide for aged to promote smooth implementation "Chengdu urban and rural synthetically reform testing district" construction and"World Modern Garden City"strategy,and for the western region community provide for aged to offer reference for the smooth development of the theory basis.

  • 【分类号】D669.6
  • 【下载频次】288

