

【作者】 苏杨

【导师】 夏良田;

【作者基本信息】 四川省社会科学院 , 民商法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 民事权利是一种观念形态的存在,虽然其自身包含有特定的利益,但民事权利无法自己表彰自己因而必须借助于一定的形式,这种用以表征权利的特定外在形式就是权利表征。由于权利表征的作用主要在于权利的实现,而这主要存在于权利人与义务人之间,因此不同的权利对表征的要求就不尽相同。民事权利作为一个总括的概念,其下又包含了诸如人身权、物权等一系列的权利,如何实现这些权利,以求最大限度的满足人们日益增长的物质文化需要已经成为民事立法的一种侧重点。本文将以物权法关于不动产的取得制度入手,探寻物权的私法实现规则,从而提出自己的观点,以求完善相关立法。关于不动产善意取得在现今物权法学上的要件有:必须通过不动产转让行为来实现,这种行为的范围须有一定限制,且必须是有偿和依法有效(实际上又与效力待定的合同相冲突,下文详述);出让人须无处分权(在家庭财产处置上,即使只登记于一方名下的,实际上仍然为有权处分),买受人主观上为善意,不动产产权已过户登记。以上关于不动产善意取得的构成要件,在表面上看似乎很完整,但在具体的司法实践操作中,恐怕并非尽善尽美,仍有待进一步的认识的完善。在不动产善意取得中,原物所有权人的利益或多或少会的会受到损害(但此种情形仅在对财产的处置违背原权利人初衷的前提下存在),因此,应当允许对原物所有权人的权利损害设定救济程序,以确保权利的平衡。如果一项不动产交易被认定为善意取得,至少会产生以下法律关系:出让人与买受人之间的买卖关系、出让人与原物所有权人之间的侵权法律关系、原物所有权人与登记机关的侵权法律关系。善意取得制度是物权法中的一项不可或缺的基本制度之一,对于保护交易安全,维护市场经济秩序、平衡善意取得财产第三人及失权人的合法权益,起着举足轻重的作用。动产可以适用善意取得制度在我国以及其他大多数国家均得到了认可,而本文主要针对不动产的善意取得制度在理论、司法实践中一些容易出现的问题论述自己的拙见,以期更加准确的理解和把握善意取得制度在不动产交易方面的应用。

【Abstract】 The concept of civil rights is a form of existence, though contains its own specific interests, but their recognition of their civil rights can not therefore necessary to resort to some form of rights that are used to describe a particular external form is the right characterization. The main function of the right to representation is the realization of the right, which is mainly in the rights and obligations between people, so right on the characterization of the different requirements for different. Civil rights as an umbrella concept, under which they contain, such as personal rights, property rights and a series of rights and how to achieve these rights, in order to maximize the satisfaction of people’s increasing material and cultural needs has become a focus of civil legislation . This will be the acquisition of real estate property law system to start to explore the implementation rules of private property rights to put forward their views, in order to improve the relevant legislation.Real estate acquired in good faith on the property in today’s Elements of Law are: to be achieved through the transfer of real property, the scope of this behavior must have certain restrictions, and must be paid and the law effective (in fact, has a contract pending with the effectiveness of conflict , described in detail below); the people shall be no right (in the disposal of family property, even if registered in one name only, in fact, still have the right to dispose of), the buyer for the kind of subjective, real estate property has been Registrar . Bona fide acquisition of real estate over the composition of elements in the surface seems to be complete, but the judicial practice in the specific operation, I am afraid not perfect, remains to be further understanding of the improvement. In real estate acquired in good faith, the original owner’s interests will be compromised or less (but this is the case only in the disposition of property against the rights of indigenous people there under the premise of mind), therefore, should be allowed on the original prejudice the rights of the owner to set relief procedures to ensure the right balance. If a real estate transaction was identified as made in good faith, at least in the legal relationship will produce the following: the people and the trading relationship between the buyer, the people with the original owner of the legal relationship between the infringement, and registration of original owner relationship between tort law authorities.Acquired in good faith in the property law system is an essential one of the basic system, for the protection of security of transactions, safeguarding market order and balance of property acquired in good faith and the third loss of the right of the legitimate rights and interests play a decisive role. Dong Chan can be applied in good faith to achieve a system in our country and most other countries have been recognized, and this paper, for bona fide acquisition of real estate in theory, judicial practice, discusses some of the problems prone to their own humble opinion, in order to more accurately understand and grasp Bona Fide Acquisition of real estate transactions in the application.

【关键词】 不动产买受善意登记
【Key words】 real estatebought bygoodregistered

