

The Study of Problems New-Generation Migrant Rural Workers Facing and Its Strategies

【作者】 郝丹梅

【导师】 刘建德;

【作者基本信息】 延安大学 , 中共党史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 新生代农民工作为新世纪我国现代化建设的生力军,已经成为促进我国经济和社会结构变革的伟大力量,对我国城市建设和城市化进程作出了不可磨灭的贡献。他们在融入城市生活的过程中,更加注重自我,更加注重权益保护,更加注重发展前途。然而,他们为之献身的城市却在经济与政策上都没有做好完全接纳他们的准备,致使他们的利益受损,发展受阻。新生代农民工问题的研究,是农民工问题研究的深化。以往的学者多数是从社会学的角度,在微观上研究新生代农民工问题。本论文是在调查与分析的基础上,遵循实事求是原则和辩证分析方法,尝试从党的政策的角度加以研究。本文从分析原生代农民工向新生代农民工演变入手,在综合对比的基础上,界定新生代农民工的概念,揭示这一群体有别于老一代农民工的个性特征,其重点是在政治、经济和社会三个方面对新生代农民工的发展困境进行了认真的分析与研究。同时,从政府、企业、社会、自身四个角度、七个方面探讨了促进新生代农民工发展的对策建议。期望这一探讨对实现农村剩余劳动力的顺利转移和新生代农民工的尊严与幸福生活有所启发。区别学界对新生代农民工“三高一低”的特征总结,本文认为新生代农民工的个性特征突出表现在五个方面:文化层次提升,自我保护意识增强;乡土认同减弱,融入城市生活愿望强烈;更加重视自身尊严、健康与发展;消费观念和生活方式趋向城市化;吃苦耐劳精神略为欠缺。新生代农民工在彰显自我个性,融入城市化的过程中屡受挫折,在政治方面表现为:基层党组织不健全,农民工政治参与的权利受阻;身份确立不公平,无法享有他们应有的权益;法律意识淡薄,维权方式不规范。在经济方面表现为:劳动合同签订率低,工资拖欠问题依然存在;工资收入水平总体较低,住房问题难以解决;生活成本高,难以真正达到城市化生活。在社会方面表现为:就业流动性强;子女受教育不公平;社会保障水平低;社会交往较少,婚恋问题较为严重。针对新生代农民工的发展困境,本文主要从七方面探讨了对策建议:深化户籍制度改革,向以居住地为主的落户政策靠拢;完善社会保障制度和权益保障机制,实现权利的均等化;加强职业技能培训和教育,着力提高其综合素质;稳定和完善土地承包关系,为农民工回乡把好关;促进区域协调发展,着力加强县域经济;提供均等化公共服务,实现教育资源与劳动力市场一体化;改善社区管理,完善社区组织,构建良好的社区环境。

【Abstract】 The new-generation migrant rural workers, as the new force of China’s modernization in the new century, has become a great strength to promote economy and social structural changes and made indelible contribution to the urban construction and urbanization process. They pay more attention to themselves, rights protection, and future development during the process of integrating into urban life. However, the city that they dedicated to has not prepared well for accepting them in policies and economy in full extent so that their interest and development have been hindered.The study of the new-generation migrant rural workers is to deepen the understanding of migrant rural workers. Most of the previous scholars study the new-generation migrant rural workers microcosmically from the perspective of sociology. Based on investigation and analysis, the thesis follows the principle of seeking truth from facts and the dialectical analysis to attempt to study this special group from the perspective of the Party’s policy. The thesis analyses the evolution of the new-generation of migrant workers at the start, then on the basis of synthetic correlation, it defines the concept of the new-generation of rural migrant workers and characteristics which is different from the older rural migrant workers, especially focusing on political, economic and social aspects to study and analyze dilemma of rural migrant workers’development.At the same time, the paper discusses strategies of rural migrant workers’problems from the aspect of government, business, society, themselves and other seven aspects, hoping for an inspiration on the realization of transferring surplus rural labor their dignified life.Differential with the“three high and one low”features the scholars summarized, this paper thinks that the new-generation of rural migrant workers are endowed with the following five features: a general increase in level of education, a strong sense of self-protection; a weakness of local identity, a strong desire to integrate into urban life; more attention to their dignity, health and development; an urbanization trend of consuming attitude and life style; a lack of hard-working. in the process of integrating into urban life and demonstrating their personality, they have many difficulties. The aspects of politics are as follows: the block in the right of political participation because of imperfectness of the Party organization at the primary level; unfairness in establishing identity and no deserved rights and interests; weakness in legal consciousness and irregular ways in rights-safeguarding. The aspects of economic are as follows: low rate in labor contract signing, existence of wage arrears, the overall low level of wage income, difficult in housing, the high cost of living leading to difficult in living urbanization life; Social aspects are as follows: the increase of job mobility; inequality in children education; low level of social security; Less social interaction and more serious problems of marriage; In light of the plight in the development of the rural migrant workers, this thesis explores the strategies in seven aspects: deepening the reform of household registration system and the policy of settling down to the place of residence; perfecting the social security system and interests and rights security, achieving equal rights; enhancing vocational skills training and education for the purpose of improving their overall quality; Stabilize and improve the land contract relations for their backing home; coordinating regional development, strengthening the county economy; providing them with equal public services achieving integration of educational resources and labor market; Improving community management, perfecting community-based organizations and constructing a pleasant community environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

