

Study on the Characteristics of Plant Diversity and Sediment in Najiao River Estuary

【作者】 邓晓玫

【导师】 宋书巧;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范学院 , 自然地理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 那交河发源于博白县射广嶂北麓,汇入北部湾的丹兜海,其入海河口段既有一般河流湿地的特点又有红树林湿地的特点,是这一地区重要的生态资源。本文选择那交河河口段作为研究对象,以2010年11月-2011年4月为基准,对该地区的植被组成、植物群丛、物种多样性、群丛随时间的变化特征以及该地区的土壤质地、化学性质的特点及相互关系进行研究。主要成果如下:(1)2010年11月及2011年3月共在那交河河口段设置植物样方38个,2010年11月份植物分属20科,30属,32种,以禾本科、大戟科、马鞭草科为主;2011年3月份植物分属22科31属,34种,以禾本科、菊科、蓼科为主。运用TWINSPAN对那交河11月份及3月份植物群丛进行分类,分类结果为2010年11月份那交河河口湿地植被可划分为6个典型群丛,2011年3月划分为11个典型群丛。(2)采用Patrick丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、均匀度指数、物种优势种指数对不同时期那交河河口植物多样性进行分析,结果表明,3月份那交河河口植物物种Patrick丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、均匀度指数要比11月份略高,促使这种变化的主要原因是季节。(3)通过对那交河河口湿地沉积物理化性质的分析发现,那交河河口湿地沉积物水分在10.22%-45.10%、pH值在4.67-6.27之间、有机质含量在3.22-38.57g/kg之间、阳离子交换量在2.10-24.24coml/kg之间、分形维数在2.1792-2.3913之间。该地区沉积物理化性质指标在表层上变化不明显。(4)那交河沉积物理化性质对该地区植物群落多样性影响因素的分析结果表明,除了均匀度指数与表层有机质和阳离子交换量正相关外,其他多样性因子与沉积物理化性质不存在相关性,除了酸碱度、有机质及阳离子交换量之外,仍有其他土壤因子影响该地区的植被类型及丰富度。

【Abstract】 Najiao River originated from Sheguang mountain, Bobai county to Dandou Sea,Beibu Gulf. Its estuary does not only have the general characteristics of river wetlands, but it also has the characteristics of mangrove wetlands, which are important ecological resources in the region. This paper chooses cross Najiao River estuary wetland as a research object, research period was from Nov.2010 to Apr.2011.The research is main about the Vegetation composition, plant association, diversity of species, ecological association changing characteristics in associations with time and the soil texture, chemical characteristics and the relationship in this area. Main results are as follows:There were 48 plant quadrat setting in the Najiao River estuary wetland from Nov.2010 to Mar.2011.In Nov.2010, plants there belong to 20 families, 30 genera and 32 species, mainly about Poaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Verbenaceae. In Mar.2011, plants there belong to 22 families, 31 genera and 34 species, mainly about Poaceae, Asteraceae, Polygonaceae.Plant association in Najiao River area was classified by TWINSPAN in Nov. and Mar. According to the result, Najiao River estuary wetland vegetation can be divided into 6 typical groups of plexus in Nov.2010 and 11 typical group s of plexus in Mar.2011.By using richness index, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, evenness index and species dominant species index, this paper analyzed that Najiao River estuary wetland species diversity in different periods. The result showed that the richness index, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, evenness index of Najiao River estuary wetland species diversity in Nov. was higher than Mar.Through the studying about Soil physical and chemical properties of theNajiao River estuary wetland, we can get the conclusion that the soil moisture of the Najiao River estuary is 10.22%~45.10%, PH value is 4.67~6.2, Content of soil organic matter is 3.22~38.57g/kg, CEC is 2.10~24.24coml/kg and Soil fractal dimension is 2.1792~2.3913. So the indicators of soil properties in the area in the vertical stratification did not change significantlyThe analysis of the influence factor the Soil physical and chemical properties of Najiao River to Plant community diversity in this area showed that except the positive correlation between Evenness Index and organic matter and cation exchange capacity, the other Diversity factor do not have the correlation with the Soil physical and chemical properties. So except pH value, organic matter and cation exchange capacity, there are still some other soil factors effecting vegetation form and Richness in this area.


