

Study on Dielectric Properties and Optical Basicity of Aluminoborosilicate Glasses

【作者】 胡安平

【导师】 岳云龙;

【作者基本信息】 济南大学 , 材料加工工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 玻璃纤维作为最主要的增强材料在印刷电路基板、雷达天线罩的制作中已被广泛应用。当代电子科技正朝着微型化、高性能、高密度、多功能的方向发展,除要求相关的雷达罩体、基片、封装等介质材料具有高热导、高强度外,还要求有低的介电常数和低的介质损耗,从而加快信号传递的速度,减小串扰和降低能量损耗。因而,研究低介电玻璃纤维势在必行。铝硼硅酸盐玻璃系统作为低介电玻璃纤维的基础系统,一直被国内外学者广泛关注。本文选择原始E玻璃系统为基础,分别研究SiO2、B2O3、Al2O3对玻璃介电性能和失透温度范围的影响,从而确定基础组成的配比范围。根据前期试验选择因素水平即:SiO2:51.5%、53.5%、55.5%,Al2O3:12.5%、14.5%、15.5%;CaO:4.0%,7.0%,10.0%进行三因素三水平的正交试验分析。最终得到的最优配比为:SiO2:53.5%,Al2O3:14.5%;CaO:4.0%,即此配比的玻璃具有较低的介电常数和较低的介电损耗,熔制情况较佳。本论文利用线性回归模型确定了系统介电性能与实验因素的关系,并对回归方程进行了优化。利用优化的回归方程对实验结果进行了预测。并对预测精度、预测的适用条件等进行了分析。根据线性回归原理,以玻璃的理论光学碱度(Λth)为自变量,相对介电常数(εr)为因变量,利用49组数据拟合出介电常数与光学碱度之间关系的线性回归方程方程。一元线性回归分析表明,玻璃介电常数和理论光学碱度值之间存在线性关系,相关系数为0.9245。以氧化镁替代氧化钙,利用回归方程对玻璃组分变化后介电常数的值进行预测,实验结果与预测结果相近,从而证明了方程的正确性,并且从光学碱度的角度解释了玻璃介电常数随组成变化的规律。在一定范围内可以根据氧化物的光学碱度值选择用于制备低介电常数玻璃纤维的氧化物种类.通过红外光谱、差热分析等测试手段对TiO2取代部分CaO后玻璃的性能进行了研究,得出结论如下:随TiO2含量的增加,玻璃相对介电常数随之降低;红外光谱表明:TiO2没有取代CaO时玻璃中CaO含量较多,玻璃中硼酸盐基团优先与碱土金属氧化物结合;而当TiO2取代部分CaO后,CaO含量不足,根据四面体回避原则,越来越多的硼酸盐与硅酸盐结构单元相联接,而不是与铝氧多面体相联接。差示扫描量热分析表明,随着TiO2取代量的增加,玻璃转变温度Tg逐渐增高。

【Abstract】 Fiberglass is the essential reinforced material in present society. The printed circuit board(PCB) and radome are the main application field of fiberglass in the electronic. Presently electronic technology is developing to the miniaturization, the high density, the high performance and the multi-purpose. Related materials not only has high heat conductivity, high intensity but also must have the low dielectric constant (εr) and low dielectric loss (tanδ) which can reduce RC delay time and speed up the signal transmission. Thus, the study of low dielectric glass material is imperative.Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2 glass system as a low dielectric glass-fiber-based system, has been obtain extensive attention from scholars at home and abroad. We choose the original E-glass system for the based system. The influence of SiO2, B2O3 and Al2O3 contents on properties of glass was discussed in the paper. The level of selection factors based on pre-test and information is SiO2: 51.5%, 53.5% and 55.5%; Al2O3: 12.5%, 14.5% and 15.5%; CaO: 4.0%, 7.0% and 10.0%. This is an orthogonal test with three factors and three levels. Through analysis, we obtained the optimal ratio which is SiO2: 53.5%, Al2O3: 14.5%; CaO: 4.0%. Namely, the ratio of the glass has a low dielectric constant and low dielectric loss, and the melting situation is better.Regression analysis is another statistical tool, which is useful in quantitative description of complex relationships between experimental factors and results. It can also be used to predict unknown experimental results with high precision. In the current work, linear regression analysis was performed to reveal the dependence of dielectric properties on experimental factors. After being optimized, the regression equation was utilized to predict experimental results. The precision and applicability of prediction was discussed at the same time. In this paper, according to the linear regression theory, we fitted out the linear regression equation using 49 sets of date which has described the relationship between the dielectric constant and optical basicity. Unary linear regression analysis showed that the linear relationship exists between the glass theoretical optical basicity values and dielectric constant, and its correlation coefficient is 0.9245. With magnesium oxide substitute calcium oxide,the dielectric constant was predicted after the changes of glass composition using the regression equation. The experimental result was nearly same to estimated result. That proved the correctness of the equation. Then, the regular of the variation of dielectric constant with changes of composition was explicated from the perspective of optical basicity. Optical basicity value is useful to design the composition of low dielectric constant glass fiber.The dielectric properties were investigated using infrared spectroscopy, differential thermal analysis and other testing methods after a part of boron oxide was replaced by calcium oxide. Draw the following conclusions: the relative dielectric constant of glass decreases with increasing of titanium dioxide content. Infrared spectra indicate that borate group combined priority with the alkaline-earth metal oxides when the content of CaO in glass was more. According to the principle of avoiding tetrahedron, more and more borate group link to the silicate structural unit when the content of calcium oxide was less. Differential thermal analysis showed that the glass transition temperature (Tg) gradually increased with the increase of the amount of titanium dioxide.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 济南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

