

A Research on Current Situation of Traffic Facilities and Regional Economy in Beijing

【作者】 董现垒

【导师】 李京文;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 应用经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文较为深入的研究了北京市道路交通设施建设与北京市区域经济发展现状、相互关系以及与交通现状相关的若干问题。首先探讨了北京市的交通需求、道路运行状况以及北京市的经济特征和城市经济现状,并进一步分析了北京市的市域道路建设状况。基于此现状,本文选取了公路道路里程和北京市地区生产总值两个经济指标,利用分布滞后回归模型,研究了公路道路设施对经济发展的滞后拉动作用。研究中发现,公路道路的建设,不仅对当年的经济发展产生影响,更重要的是将会在以后相当长的一段时间内持续的发挥作用,也就是说公路等的交通基础设施对于区域的经济发展具有明显的滞后性,并进一步,科学推算出北京市公路道路的平均滞后年限为22年。在最后,本文主要对北京是的交通发展的战略问题进行了探讨,指出大城市的交通问题是具有全球性和普遍性的,当然北京也不例外。结合北京市交通问题的特点,文章对北京交通发展战略的五个方面进行了探讨,做出了相应的分析。本文主要致力于公路道路的经济特性和北京市经济交通现状的相关问题,企图从其如何对北京区域经济发展进行影响获得相关结论,并且进一步提出北京市交通相关的战略发展问题。

【Abstract】 This paper first analyzes the state-of-art of urban economy and traffic system, and summarizes the characteristics of traffic development based on the statistical data of Beijing. After the relationship between urban economy and traffic system being studied, the development strategy with traffic problems is put forward. Applying the method of Almon, the paper has conducted research on the relationship between two economical indexes, Beijing highway mileage and GRDP and creates a regressive distributed lag model, which explains the effect of highway mileage upon GRDP. Studies show that highway construction exerts a great pushing effect on regional economic growth. This is to say, the traffic and Infrastructure construction has obvious lag effect for the urban economy of Beijing. This paper mainly describes the economic characteristic of highway facilities and the traffic s current situation in Beijing. The author attempts to obtain some relevant conclusions about how the highway construction influences the regional economic development of Beijing. And further problems about traffic strategic development in Beijing are put forward.


