

The Study on Employment of the Vulnerable College Students in China

【作者】 张小娟

【导师】 赵晓冬;

【作者基本信息】 燕山大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着高等教育的改革,大学的扩招,以及社会经济环境的变化,我国大学生就业难已是不争的事实。人才市场的竞争空前激烈,就业形势异常严峻,那么对于这其中的弱势大学生而言,他们因为自身或其他种种原因在竞争中处于劣势,这种劣势又使他们遭遇社会上或明或暗的漠视和歧视,使他们的就业更是难上加难。弱势大学生的就业问题如果得不到切实的解决,那么对于社会的和谐,家庭的稳定,高校的发展以及弱势大学生的健康成长都会产生很多不利影响。本文从弱势大学生的相关概念研究入手,将弱势大学生分别从家庭经济、生理、心理、学业、专业、性别六个方面分为六种类型。为了更好地了解弱势大学生的就业现状,本文结合问卷调查,对每种类型的弱势大学生的就业困境进行了详细的分析,并归纳出他们在就业过程中产生的焦虑烦躁、自卑加剧、愤世嫉俗、抑郁冷漠四种主要的不良心理。接着主要从家庭、学校、弱势学生自身以及社会环境因素四个方面,对弱势大学生就业难的原因进行剖析。最后指出解决弱势大学生的就业问题是一项系统的工程,需要政府、社会的大力支持和高校的相应改革。外因只有通过内因才能起到作用,最重要的是弱势大学生也要努力实现自我转化,针对自身的弱势进行相应的提高和转变,努力提高自身素质,迎接就业挑战。本文从政策支持、就业服务、社会援助、弱势学生的综合素质培养和自我转化五个方面提出具体解决弱势大学生就业的对策,这对政府制定相关的扶持政策、高校改变人才培养目标及完善就业指导具有一定的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Due to the reform of educational policy of our country in institutions of higher learning and the expansion of student enrollment in colleges and universities, as well as the changes of social and economic environment, The difficulty of employment of college students is an indisputable fact.The competition in labor market becomes fiercer than ever before. Employment situation has become extremely severe. For the vulnerable college students, Their own or other reasons led to their disadvantage in the competition. This disadvantage made they encounter overt or covert social indifference and discrimination. All these things made their employment become more and more difficult. If the employment of the vulnerable college students can not be solved, it will have lots of adverse effect on social harmony, family stability, development of university, and healthy growth of the vulnerable college students.The article starts from the related concepts of the vulnerable college students and classifies them into six types from families, physiological, psychological, study, major and gender. To grasp the employment status of the vulnerable college students better, by means of questionnaire, this paper carries out a detailed analysis of the employment plight for each type of the vulnerable students, and summarized four major adverse psychology which generated in the course of employment: anxiety- irritability, low self-esteem increased, cynicism and depression-apathy. Then, mainly from family, school, social environmental factors and students themselves, to analyze the reasons for the difficulty of the employment of the vulnerable students. Finally, the employment problems of disadvantaged students is a systematic project, needs the support from government and society, and the appropriate reform of university. External factors can play a role only through internal factors. The most important is the vulnerable students have to work hard to achieve self-transformation. According to their disadvantages to improve and change themselves, strive to improve their own quality to meet the employment challenges. In this paper, five concrete measures have been proposed to solve the employment for vulnerable students from the policy support, employment services, social assistance,the overall quality of training and self-transformation of vulnerable students, which has a certain reference for the Government in formulating relevant policies and university personnel in changing training objectives and improving career guidance.

【关键词】 弱势大学生类型就业心理对策
【Key words】 Vulnerable college studentsTypeEmploymentPsychologyCountermeasure
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 燕山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期

