

NCO Competency Model Based on the Selection Method of Recruitment

【作者】 田锦园

【导师】 谭跃进;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 项目管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 现代人力资源管理以“人”为核心,注重人的心理与行为特征,强调人与事相宜,事与职相配,使人、事、职位协调统一。胜任特征模型可以作为现代人力资源管理体系的核心,在识人、选人、用人、育人、留人方面,起到组织战略的传导作用。本文运用人力资源管理和胜任特征的基本理论,结合基层部队实际,综合运用各种建模方法,构建了直招士官胜任特征模型,并以此为依据设计完善了直招士官招收选拔工作方法和流程。本文共分为六部分。首先阐述了研究的目的及意义,对胜任特征理论进行了综述;其次简述了直招士官诞生的历史背景,着重研究了直招士官队伍存在的问题和原因,提出了对策和建议;第三,通过对直招士官相关政策法规、前人研究成果、角色职能和工作岗位进行理论分析,对基层官兵和全军优秀士官进行实际调研,实施行为事件访谈,征求军地业务部门和专家学者的意见,编制了封闭式调查问卷,通过探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析,建立了直招士官胜任特征数学模型。第四,重点分析了直招士官招收工作的特点和存在的问题,结合军地实际,优化组合选拔手段,设计了基于胜任特征模型的直招士官招收选拔基本流程;最后,结合XXX集团军在XXX省的直招士官工作,对招收选拔方法进行了实例研究,对流程的每个环节进行深入设计与思考。

【Abstract】 The modern human resource management take"person" as the core, paying attention to the person’s mental state and the behavior characteristics, emphasizing person and matter fitting, matter and jobs matching, making person, matter, post unify. Competence model can be considered as the core of modern human resource management. It plays an important role in knowing person, choosing person, employing person, teaching person and staying person. Recruiting sergeant competence model is set up on the base of using the basic theories of human resource management and competence characteristic, combining the grass-root troops actual and using various model set up methods. Thus the method and process of sergeant recruiting is made more perfect on the base of the theory.It contains six parts. Firstly, the purpose and meaning of research is illustrated and an overview of competence characteristic theories is carried on; Secondly, the history background of recruiting sergeants is described, emphasizing on the study of recruited sergeants’ troops problems and exsisting reasons, and counterplan and suggestion is put forward; In the third chapter, recruiting sergeant competence model is build. First, theory analysis is made on related policy laws of recruiting sergeant, existing reseach results, role function and work post. Then actual investigation is made on grass-root government troops and excellent sergeants, and interview of behavior affairs is carryed on, and advice of soldier business section and expert is seeked, and close type questionnaire investigation is made. And analysis on investigating factors and verification factors analysis are also made. Thus model is build.In the fourth chapter, an analysis is made on the characteristics of recruiting sergeant and exsisting problems. Combining actual condition, optimizing the combination selection means, basic process of recruiting sergeant based on competence characteristic model is designed. Finally, method of recruiting sergeants is researched, combining the actual condition of XXX group soldier in XXX province , thorough design and thinking is made on every part of the process.


