

Development of Telescopic Micro In-pipe Robot Based on Controllable Locker Mechanism

【作者】 薛勇

【导师】 尚建忠;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 机械工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目“基于单向机构的伸缩式微管道机器人”为依托,针对核反应堆蒸发器传热管道的自动检测,围绕管道机器人“微小型化、大牵引力、快速、双向运动”的目标,通过对国内外现有管道机器人的分析比较,吸收借鉴各种方案的优点,提出一种新的微管道机器人——基于可控锁止机构的伸缩式微小管道机器人。本文按照从设计、分析、优化到样机研制与试验的研究思路开展新型微小管道机器人的研究。全文研究工作主要包括:1)在分析基于锁止机构的伸缩式管道机器人推进机理的基础上,分析比较了运用于该类机器人的多种单向锁止机构方案,对其优缺点进行了阐述,结合课题实际需要提出了一种新的锁止机构——可控锁止机构,并对基于该机构的伸缩式微小管道机器人的运动机理进行了分析和论述。2)为了指导结构设计和优化,本文对凸轮自锁和扭簧对自锁的影响进行了分析,并通过建立凸轮曲面和可控锁止机构的数学模型,分析给出了凸轮曲面参数和可控锁止机构的换向所需满足的条件,并对管径的可适应范围进行了分析。3)对微小管道机器人的整体结构进行了详细设计,对可控锁止机构和驱动机构工作原理进行了详细阐述,及对所需参数的进行了详细分析计算。针对锁止机构的特点,主要对连杆参数和换向力的大小进行了详细分析计算,保证了换向的可靠性。为了使机器人获得较大的牵引力和速度,对驱动丝杠进行了参数选取和强度校核,并分析计算了传动机构的传输效率,给出了驱动电机的选取依据。4)成功研制了试验样机,较好的搭建了综合试验系统,针对锁止机构锁止方向可控的特点进行了验证试验,并对机器人进行了速度和牵引力的综合试验,最后对机器人进行了管径适应性试验和双向运动试验。经过试验,该试验样机能够平稳运行于内径为Φ17~20 mm的管道,且机器人能在速度10 mm/s的条件下拥有12 N的牵引力,具有0~90o爬坡能力,并能够双向运动,较好的达到了管道机器人“微小化、大牵引力、快速、双向运动”的设计要求。

【Abstract】 On the ground of the program of Telescopic Micro In-pipe Robot Based on Unilateral Locking Mechanism supported by the Hi-Tech Research and Development Program (863) of china, the paper aims at the heat transfer pipelines for nuclear reactor evaporator and technological breakthrough of“micro-miniaturization, large traction, rapid speed and two-way locomotion”for in-pipe robot. By comparison of present in-pipe robots in and out of China and absorbing advantages, a new telescopic micro in-pipe robot based on controllable locking mechanism was presented. Following the flow of design, analysis, optimization and prototype development and test, the research of the new micro in-pipe robot was processed. The main work done in this paper is as follows:1) On the ground of the telescopic micro in-pipe robot’s boosting principle, which was based on locking mechanism, several one-way locking mechanism that could be applied to this sort of robots were compared, and their advantages and disadvantages were described. And Considering practical requirements, a new controllable locking mechanism is presented. Then kinetic principles of robot with this mechanism were analyzed.2) For instructing the design and optimization, the pinciple cam’s self-locking and the influence of torsional spring to self-locking was analyzed. And, by building the mathematical model of cam’s curve face and controllable locking mechanism, the requirements for the curve face’s parameters and changing locomotion directions should meet were presented. Then the diameter’s scale which the robot could be adaptable to was analyzed.3) The whole structure of this robot was designed in detail, the working principles of controllable locking mechanism and driving mechanism were described, and parameters needed were also calculated in detail. According to characters of locking mechanism, parameters of links and magnitude of commutating forces were calculated comprehensively, enabling the reliability of commutation. To ensure the robot own a large traction and speed, driving lead screw’s parameters were selected and strength was checked. Then the transmission efficiency of transmission structure was computed, offering choosing evidence for the driving motors.4) The prototype was successfully developed, and a comprehensive test system was built. Aiming at the feature that locking direction could be controlled, tests were carried out. What’s more, tests about velocity and traction were carried out. Finally, robot’s adjustment to pipe’s diameters and two-way locomotion were also tested. Results demonstrated that this robot’s prototype can move steadily in pipe with diameter fromΦ17~20 mm, own a traction value of 12 N at the speed of 10 mm/s, climb slopes with degrees ranging from 0~90o, and carry a two-way movement. These all well meet the design of goals of“micro-miniature, large traction, rapid speed and two-way locomotion”for the in-pipe robot.


