

Research on Integration of Operational Activity Products of C~4ISR Architecture Based on CADM

【作者】 王仙凤

【导师】 罗雪山; 罗爱民;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 军事运筹学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 未来的一体化联合作战要求实现各级、各类C~4ISR系统的综合集成,形成军事综合电子信息系统。体系结构作为系统建设的顶层设计和建设蓝图,对系统的综合集成起着关键性的作用。因此,C~4ISR系统体系结构集成对开发和实现我军综合电子信息系统和我军一体化联合作战有着十分重要的意义。目前,对于C~4ISR系统体系结构集成的内容、过程与方法等方面的研究比较少,也缺乏系统性。为此,本文针对C~4ISR系统体系结构集成问题展开研究,首次提出了基于CADM的C~4ISR体系结构集成思路,并运用该思路对作战活动产品集成方法进行重点研究。本文研究内容主要包括以下几方面:(1)建立了基于CADM的C~4ISR体系结构集成框架本文首先从定义、目标、指导原则和主要内容四个方面分析了C~4ISR体系结构集成的概念,以此为指导对基于CADM的C~4ISR体系结构集成概念、理论基础和基本内涵进行了研究,提出了基于CADM的体系结构集成过程,并明确本文将研究范围定位为基于CADM的不同体系结构同类型产品之间的集成。针对产品集成,提出了主要围绕建模、合并和处理这三个阶段展开的基于CADM的产品集成思路和基本步骤,为下文作战活动产品集成提供指导。最后总结了该思路体现出的主要优势。(2)研究了基于CADM的作战活动产品集成基础作战活动产品集成是本文研究核心。在研究具体集成方法之前,首先分析了作战活动产品的可集成性,明确产品集成的必要前提并进行相关假设。在可集成基础上,建立了作战活动产品的CADM模型,给出了对以IDEF0描述的产品进行建模的方法,并通过实例分析说明了该方法的建模过程。(3)研究了基于CADM的作战活动产品具体集成方法针对作战活动产品的CADM实例集研究了集成方法。首先明确了可概括为合并和处理两个主要阶段的作战活动产品的集成过程。合并过程中,针对产品要素间的层次和分解关系研究了简化方法,针对集成涌现性问题给出了整体效能分析方法和预处理方法;针对具体的合并问题研究了合并规则。处理过程中,研究了整体效能添加方法,重点研究了集成后简化的产品要素间层次关系的重构方法。(4)案例研究以联合登陆作战为背景,使用本文提出的方法对不同作战力量的作战活动产品进行集成,验证理论方法的可行性和实用性。

【Abstract】 The integrated joint operation in future requires all kinds of C~4ISR systems at all levels to be integrated to form a military integrated electronic information system. As the top-level design and blueprint of system construction, architecture plays a key role in the comprehensive integration. Therefore, C~4ISR architecture integration is very important to the development and implementation of integrated electronic information system of our army which supports our army integrated joint operations.At present, researchers do not pay enough attention to the content, process and method regarding the integration of C4SR architectures, and conduct less systemic efforts in this research field. In this case, this thesis explores the issues of the C~4ISR architecture integration, and proposes an idea of C~4ISR architecture integration based on CADM for the first time. Based on this idea, this thesis carried out the key research of operational activity products integration. The main contributions of this thesis are as follows:(1) The framework of C~4ISR architecture integration based on CADM is established.Firstly, the concepts of C~4ISR architecture integration are studied from four aspects which are definition, objectives, guiding principles and main contents. Under the guidance of the concepts of C~4ISR architecture integration, this thesis analyzes the concepts, theoretical foundation and basic connotation of C~4ISR architecture integration based CADM and declares that integration of products which are of the same type but in different architectures is the main task. Then, the process and steps of product integration are given according to the three stages process which includes product modeling, emerging and post-processing. At last, the main advantages of C~4ISR architecture integration based on CADM are given.(2) The foundation of integration of operational activity products based on CADM is studied.Operational activity product integration is the core content of this thesis. Before the study of specific integration approach, this thesis analyzes the foundation of product integration. Necessary prerequisites for product integration and the basic assumptions are clearly illustrated. In order to get the CADM instances of produce, the CADM model of operational activity product is built, approach to transfer procuct described by IDEF0 to CADM instances is given, and the process of product CADM modeling is presented by an example.(3) The method of integration of operational activities products based on CADM is studied.The integration method proposed in this thesis aims to CADM instances of product. Firstly, this thesis analyzes the process of operational activity integration which can be summarized in two main stages of merging and post-processing. In the process of merging, product simplified method is studied to solve the problem caused by hierarchy and decomposition in operation activity product; pretreatment method is given to solve the emerging issues of integration; and merger-specific rules are given to carry out the merge of CADM instance sets of different activity products. In the process of post-processing, this thesis studies the method to add overall performance to the merging result, and figures out how to build the hierarchy of CADM instances of integrated product which have been simplified to satisfy the presentation requirements of operational activities product in C~4ISR Architecture Framework.

【关键词】 C~4ISRCADM体系结构作战活动产品集成
【Key words】 C~4ISRarchitectureCADMoperational activity productintegration

