

Research and Analysis on the Movable Acoustic Reflecting Cover for Multi-Functional Professional Theater

【作者】 李岩

【导师】 杨钢;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会物质财富积叠,人们的精神生活需求在不断提高,欣赏高雅艺术的群体也在不断壮大,高雅艺术已成为社会流行符号,现在我国的文化氛围呈现出高雅艺术普及化、欣赏水平专业化、艺术形式需求多元化的局面。但是进行高雅艺术演出的专业剧院投资大,利用率低,维护管理费用高,多功能剧场又提供不了专业视听,目前我国人均经济水平还是很低,还属于发展中国家,地区经济发展又极不平衡,但是在国家西部大开发政策号召下和中东部地区中小城市的经济崛起,人才流动范围不再只局限于“北上广”,这种形式下多功能专业化剧场应运而生,多功能专业化剧场完全符合我国目前社会大部分地区发展现状,剧院可多功能使用,做到一厅多用,还能够提供专业视听,既提高了使用效率,市场化运作还可收回投资及提供日常维护管理的费用。因此多功能专业化剧场的建设具有很大的经济效益和社会效益。舞台音乐罩是在多功能专业化剧场里进行自然声演出的必不可少的舞台设施,有无舞台音乐罩对剧场观众厅的音质影响很大,本文对舞台音乐罩改善各项声学指标情况进行了详细的梳理总结和分析,并对实际工程进行现场实测和计算机模拟,通过对数据的对比分析,验证了舞台音乐罩对剧场音质的改善,同时也为在工程设计过程中对剧场声学环境进行计算机模拟的可靠性提供了有利依据,避免了剧场建成后出现严重的音质缺陷,造成巨大的浪费;同时也为建筑师在进行剧场设计时选择合理的建筑形式和布局提供大量参考信息。

【Abstract】 As the fast increasing society material wealth, people’s demand on spiritual life and groups of enjoying the elegant arts are also growing. High classic art has become popular symbols, and now our culture life is now showing a mass of high classic art, appreciation professional, and diverse art forms demand situation. But professional theater for high classic art performances needs a lot of investment, but produces low utilization, and costs too much fund on the maintenance and management. China’s per capita economic level is still low, but it’s a developing country, whose regional economic development is not in balance. Now the flow of talent is no longer limited to the scope of "north to Guangzhou". Under this situation, multi-functional professional theater came into being, Theater in the form can fully fit the social developing situation. the theater can be multi-functional use, but also can provide professional audio, which improve efficiency, and can recover the investment and operation to provide daily maintenance and management costs. Therefore, the construction of multi-functional professional theater has great economic and social benefits.Acoustic reflecting cover is essential stage facilities for multi-functional professional theater performances, which produces theater auditorium sound quality of great influence. This paper is aim to the index of acoutic reflecting cover to improve the situation, puts out a detailed summary and analysis, and the actual project site measurement and computer simulation. Through comparative analysis of the data, it verifies the acoutic reflecting cover for theater improvements in sound quality, but also in the engineering design process of the theater acoustic environment the reliability of computer simulation provides a favorable basis, which avoids the theater’s serious quality defects after the completion, causing huge waste; but also for the selection of the architect during the theater design and layout of architectural forms and provide a lot of reference information.

  • 【分类号】TU112.4
  • 【下载频次】88

