

Research of Mutual Construction between Leisure Culture and Spatial Carrier in Harbin

【作者】 孟杰

【导师】 郭旭;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 知识经济与信息全球化时代使得人们的生活方式、工作方式发生了很大的变化,在提高效率的同时,人们也拥有了更多的闲暇时间。2008年,国家法定节假日调整和职工带薪休假规定的出台,更增加了人们的休闲热情,休闲成为了社会关注的重点内容。哈尔滨是一座文化底蕴极其深厚的城市,是一座历来懂得休闲的城市。哈尔滨休闲文化具有地域性、多元性、历史性、时代性等多种特征,休闲空间类型、规模丰富多样。然而,在休闲文化和休闲空间的相互表达和塑造方面却稍显不足。两者和谐共荣对于提升哈尔滨休闲空间的文化品质、塑造城市生态形象、促进人们相互交往、带动城市经济发展具有重要的意义和深远的影响。由此本文选择哈尔滨这座城市作为研究对象,深入研究休闲文化及其空间载体之间的互构性关系。本文采用“资料分析——提出问题——分析问题——解决问题”的研究思路,运用文献分析法、问卷调查法、比较借鉴法等研究方法深入研究分析哈尔滨休闲文化与其空间载体的互构性关系。首先,通过对大量相关文献的研究,形成对休闲文化这一概念的认知和对其空间载体的概念界定,根据研究目标架构文章的总体构想。其次,通过向哈尔滨多种类型休闲空间内进行活动的人群发放问卷,调查基本休闲活动内容和对于现有休闲空间与文化的感知度和印象,了解大众的休闲生活需求,并发掘哈尔滨休闲文化与休闲空间现状存在的一些问题。再次,针对问题,在吸收借鉴杭州、大连、北京、上海等城市有关休闲空间文化性塑造和休闲资源开发利用成功经验的基础上,提出哈尔滨休闲文化及其空间载体的互构性规划对策,以期满足人们对于休闲生活的物质与精神需求,提升哈尔滨市休闲空间品质,为哈尔滨市民和外地游人营造高质量的休闲氛围与环境。在此基础上,塑造哈尔滨休闲文化品牌,提高休闲与旅游业的知名度,促进哈尔滨社会、经济、文化的进一步发展。

【Abstract】 In the era of knowledge-driven economy and information globalization, the lifestyle and work mode changed a lot; at the same time of increasing the efficiency, people have more time on leisure activities. In 2008, with the adjustments of national legal holidays and the implementation of annual paid leave for employees, the enthusiasm of people toward recreational life increased a lot, and leisure became an important part of social attention.Harbin is a city which has an extremely profound culture, and it’s a city that knows how to lead a leisure life. The leisure culture in Harbin is characterized of localism, pluralism and with the features of history and modern times. The patterns and scale of its leisure space are rich of diversification. However, it has disadvantages on the aspects of mutual expression and mutual construction between leisure culture and leisure space. The harmonious relationship between them will bring great significance and profound effect on improving cultural quality of leisure space, creating ecological urban image, enhancing communications and driving economic development of this city. Thus, this paper selects Harbin as the case of study in the aim of carrying out a profound research on the mutual relationship between leisure culture and its spatial carrier.This paper adopts the research methodology of "data analysis—problems proposing—problems analysis—problems solving", by using the methods of literature analysis, questionnaire investigation, and comparative reference and so on for the further research of leisure culture and spatial carrier mutual construction in Harbin. Firstly, based on a number of literature study, it forms to the conceptual cognition of leisure culture and the limits of its space carrier, according to the research target, to construct the general idea of the article. Secondly, through providing the questionnaires to the crowd of activities in the multi-type leisure space in Harbin, to investigate the content of basic leisure activity and the impression of the existing leisure culture and spatial carrier, to understand people’s leisure needs, and to explore the existing problems of leisure culture and leisure space in Harbin. Lastly, to solve the problems, based on the introducing and borrowing successful experience of the leisure cultural and leisure space development and utilization of recreational resources in Hangzhou, Dalian, Beijing, Shanghai and other cities, it proposes the planning strategy of the mutual construction between leisure culture and its spatial carrier in Harbin, on the purpose of satisfying the material and spiritual needs of leisure life for people, improving the quality of leisure space in Harbin and building the high grade leisure atmosphere and environment for the residents and tourists. On the basis of this, we can establish its brand on leisure culture of Harbin, enhance its reputation in the leisure and tourist industry, and promote the social, economic and cultural development in Harbin.

【关键词】 休闲文化休闲空间互构性哈尔滨
【Key words】 Leisure cultureLeisure spaceMutual constructionHarbin

