

News Channel Program Packaging System Design

【作者】 韩博

【导师】 刘敬浩; 何宗就;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文的研究目的是设计中央电视台新闻频道节目包装系统,以适应新闻节目时效性和网络化需求。本文的研究方法是从新闻时效性入手,以节目制作网络化为基础,科学地分析了新闻频道节目包装的工作流程和原有设备资源的不足,创新性地提出了新的新闻包装系统的设计定位。在现有的新闻共享网络系统的基础上,通过模板化的制作形式,结合MOS等接口协议,建立制作播出自动化流程,并实现新闻播出网络化。作者设计的新闻频道节目包装系统具有现代化、网络化、自动化、专业化、时效性强等特点的数字包装系统。将原来的静态节目包装模式改为丰富多彩的动态包装模式。作者参与了新闻频道包装系统的前期设备考察和研究,制定项目需求报告,参与制定了最终的系统设计方案。在系统建设的实施阶段,掌握新闻频道节目需求,研究制订新闻包装系统网络架构。与集成商一起测试设计方案,对在线、近线包装中使用的图文包装设备提出了网络搭建及软件应用的创新方案,取得了较好的效果,为新闻频道的成功改版奠定了基础。大规模的在线图文包装系统应用,在国内尚属首次。本文论述的新闻包装系统设计在国内处于领先地位。本文论述的成功案例为国内新闻行业带来宝贵经验。Vizrt设备的使用和软件开发在一定程度上也促进了国内广电行业包装设备的发展,使得行业的整体水平得到了很大的提高。新闻频道包装系统搭建以来经历了《神七发射》、《两会进行时》、《直通南非世界杯》、《嫦娥探月》、《上海世博会》等一系列大型报道,取得了较好的社会反响,得到了各级领导的一致好评。

【Abstract】 This study aims to design CCTV news channel program packaging systemto accommodate the news timeliness and networking needs.The study startedfrom news to program production network as a basis for scientific analysis ofthe news channel program packaging workflow and lack of original equipmentresources, innovative new media packaging system. In the existing news sharingnetwork system on the basis of production through a template form, combinedwith the MOS, interface protocol, improved production and broadcastingautomation, and through a network of packaging systems to broadcast online, soas to establish a modern, network message, automation, specialization, real-timeproduction and broadcasting of digital packaging system. The original staticpackaging mode changed to dynamic packaging model.The author participated in news channel packaging system upfrontequipment inspection and research, developed a report on the actual businessrequirements, in both domestic and international packaging equipmentmanufacturers, with the help of participation in the development of the finalsystem design. In system construction stages of implementation, and integrationwith test design problems, and online, nearline packaging using Vizrt equipmentsection suggests some building structure and software modifications, andachieved good results. News channel packaging system to build the country hasexperienced since"SHEN-7 launch ","South Africa World Cup”,“the Chang’elunar exploration”,“the Shanghai World Expo”, a series of major reports, andachieved good social repercussions, received praise from leaders at all levels.Vizrt’s equipment and software development to some extent also for thedomestic TV industry packaging equipment development, makes the industry’soverall standard has been greatly improved.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】TN948.13
  • 【下载频次】93

