

Evaluation and Research on Sci-tech Input-output Relative Efficiency of Tianjin Research Institutions

【作者】 高文

【导师】 张俊艳; 孟庆松;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 公共管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 科研机构是一个国家和地区科技创新体系中不可或缺的重要组成部分,它作为科技活动的源头和基地,既是科学原理、自然规律的探索者,也是将科技转化为现实生产力的中坚力量。因此,对科研机构科技投入产出效率开展分析,一直是学术界和科技管理部门共同关注的热点问题。论文以纳入天津市科研序列管理的县级以上、独立的民口科研机构为研究对象,以2005‐2009年科技统计年报数据为基础,综合运用文献分析与社会调查、统计分析与运筹分析等研究方法对天津市社会公益类和技术开发类科研机构科技投入产出效率、产出绩效进行了系统性地分析和研究。首先,根据2005-2009年天津市科研机构科技统计数据,对科研机构的总体发展状况、驻津科研机构特点、社会公益类院所和技术开发类机构进行了描述性统计分析。其次,针对社会公益类和技术开发类两类不同的科研机构从科技投入和产出两个方面,分别构造了相对效率评价的指标体系。第三,运用多元线性回归分析法,确定了天津市科研机构的科技投入和科技产出变量之间的滞后周期为2年。第四,利用相关系数计算指标之间的相关性,以精简指标体系,形成分别用于实证分析的社会公益类和技术开发类科研机构科技投入产出效率分析指标体系。第五,利用两套指标体系,分别对天津市社会公益类和技术开发类科研机构进行了科技投入产出DEA效率分析。与此同时,应用综合评价法对两类科研机构开展了绩效评价,试图通过这两种评价方法,从不同侧面客观、真实、准确地反映天津市科研机构投入产出现状。第六,根据评价结果,分析找出科研机构在科技投入产出中存在的主要问题。最后,针对天津市科研机构科技投入产出中存在的问题,结合“十二五”科技工作和发展战略规划,提出了6点具有可操作性的政策建议:发挥政府宏观调控功能,营造科技发展和创新创意的良好环境;充分利用驻津科研机构科技资源优势,积极服务天津经济发展;加速产权制度改革,建立完善的现代企业制度;提高科技含量,加快推进科研院所向知识密集型服务业发展;加强原创性研究,提升自主研发能力;强化平台载体建设,促进产学研结合。

【Abstract】 Scientific research institutions play an essential role in the national and regional technology innovation system. As the source and the base of the technology activities, they are not only the explorers of scientific principles and the laws of nature, but also the main conductors to apply scientific technology into economics. Therefore, the efficiency analysis of scientific research institution has always been a hot issue to the academic and scientific management.Independent nongovernmental scientific research institutions which are registered in government administrations at or above the county level in city of Tianjin are analysis in this paper. The data is from 2005-2009 technology statistical yearbooks. We taking integrated use of multiply research methods including literature analysis, surveys, statistical analysis and operation research to study the input-output efficiency and output performance of public welfare oriented and technology development oriented scientific research institutions in Tianjin.First of all, according to the science and technology statistical data of Tianjin scientific research institutions in 2005-2009, this paper gives a descriptive statistical analysis of the scientific research institution’s overall development situation, the characteristics of scientific research institutions in Tianjin and the public welfare oriented institutions and technology development oriented scientific research institutions. Secondly, construct the output performance scales for public welfare oriented and technology development oriented institutions respectively. Thirdly, identify that there are two years’delay period between the science and technology input and output for Tianjin scientific research institutions by applying multiple regression analysis. Fourth, simplify the output performance scales for public welfare oriented and technology development oriented institutions by calculating correlation coefficients between variables. Fifth, based on the two scales, use DEA efficiency analysis and comprehensive evaluation method to public welfare oriented and technology development oriented institutions respectively, in order to reflect the Tianjin scientific research institution input-output status objectively, realistically and accurately. Finally, in view of the problems existing in technology input-output of Tianjin scientific research institutions, combined with "the 12th 5-year-plan of science and technology work and development strategy”, we propose six feasible policy recommendations: A. Give full play to the government macro-control function, create a good environment for technology development and innovation. B. Make full use of resources advantage for scientific research institutions in Tianjin. C. Accelerate the property rights system reform, establish a healthy modern enterprise system. D. Promote the technology content and accelerate the development of the research institutes to knowledge intensive industry. E. Put more effort on the original research to support management decision making and improve independent research and development capacity. F. Strengthen platform construction and promote university-industry cooperation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

