

The Research on Passenger Coach Station Architecture Trend of Development in Wuhan

【作者】 张恺

【导师】 李玉堂;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,我国的公路交通事业蓬勃发展,汽车客运站建筑是公路客运业的重要基础设施,位于城市内外交通的连接处,是公路运输网络的节点和客运市场的依托点。伴随着武汉市内公路交通压力的不断加大和城市中心区用地的紧张,市内汽车客运站建筑的布局和建筑形式满足不了城市发展的需要,缺乏与建设中的城市轨道交通和高速铁路站场的衔接,且功能组织方式单一导致营运效率降低,一系列的汽车客运站建筑需要新建、改建或是扩建,因此,关于其发展趋势的研究,对武汉市汽车客运站建筑的发展有着重要的现实意义。本文以武汉市汽车客运站建筑的发展趋势为研究对象,归纳了武汉市内的公路交通情况和汽车客运站建筑的发展历程,在对市内汽车客运站建筑调研分析的基础上,找出在规划布局、功能组织、换乘模式等方面存在的问题。通过计算验证了新的汽车客运站布局方案的优越性,提出了市中心汽车客运站和城市边缘站场相结合的布局模式。文中着重论述了多层立体型汽车客运站的新模式,归纳了其产生的背景和功能组织模式,结合武汉市中心区用地紧张和站场运力饱和的实际情况,分析该站场模式在武汉市的应用前景。为应对武汉市轨道交通和高速铁路的规划建设,论文结合近年来国内外典型工程案例,阐述了汽车客运站建筑与新式交通工具的衔接方式,并探讨汽车客运站建筑与其它功能形式组成的建筑综合体模式。在汽车客运站的建筑风格方面,论文结合武汉市特有的地域文化,提出了市内汽车客运站建筑可以融入多元化的地域性风格,针对汽车客运站建筑采用大空间结构的新趋势,分析了光环境对汽车客运站建筑空间形态的影响。在对市内汽车客运站建筑的商业空间分析对比的基础上,对现有商业空间进行分类,对其空间特性进行分析比较,归纳出不同商业类型与建筑交通流线的关系,指出汽车客运站建筑的商业化存在的问题。

【Abstract】 In recent years, our country’s highway traffic enterprise vigorous development, the Passenger Coach Station Architecture was the important basis facility of the highway passenger transportation’s industry, which located in the city inside and outside the traffic junction, was the node of the highway transportation network and the backing spot of the passenger transportation market. Along with the highway traffic pressure to enlarge unceasingly and tension in the city center area of Wuhan, the Layout and architectural forms of the town Passenger Coach Station Architecture could not meet the urban development needs. A series of passenger coach station constructions needed newly built, the reconstruction perhaps the extension, because the town Passenger Coach Station construction was Lack of convergence with urban rail transport and high-speed railway Station, and the sole function organization way caused transport business efficiency to reduce. Therefore, the research of its development trend has the vital practical significance to the Wuhan passenger coach station Architecture ’s development.This paper takes the development trend research of the Wuhan passenger coach station Architecture as the object of study, Summarized the Wuhan’s highway traffic situation and the history of the passenger coach station Architecture. on the basis of investigation and analysis of the passenger coach station Architecture in the city, The paper finds out the problems in the planning layout, functional organization, the transfer mode, etc. Verified by calculating the advantages of the layout of the new passenger coach station Architecture program, this paper proposes the layout pattern Combined with the city center passenger coach station Architecture and and the city fringe Station, this paper focuses on new model of the multi-dimensional passenger coach station construction, Summarized the background and the function organizational model. This paper analyzes the application prospects of Station Pattern in Wuhan City, thinking about the practical situation of the Shortage of land in Wuhan City Area and the Station capacity saturation. In order to deal with planning and construction of the Wuhan rail transit and high-speed rail, the paper unions the domestic and foreign typical project case, describes the interface way with the passenger coach station Architecture and new modes of transport, and discusses the architectural complex pattern with the passenger coach station construction and other forms.In the automobile passenger depot’s architectural style aspect, the paper unifies the Wuhan unique region culture, proposed the passenger coach station construction may integrate multiplex the regional style, aims at the new tendency of using the big spatial structure in the passenger coach station Architecture, has analyzed the influence of the light environment to the automobile passenger depot construction space shape.Based on the Comparative Analysis of Commercial Space in the passenger coach station Architecture in Wuhan, the paper classifies the existing commercial space, analysis and compares with their spatial characteristics, and Sums up the relationship between the different business types with the building traffic flow line, points out the existence question of the commercialization of the passenger coach station construction.


