

Research on the Architectural Design Strategies Based on the Vertical Dimension Thinking

【作者】 惠丝思

【导师】 李保峰;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 建筑设计是为人们创造生活所需的各种空间的活动,静态的建筑空间是由水平维度(长、宽)和竖向维度(高)共同组成的三维立体空间。建筑师应具有一个整体性的空间观,但在实际设计过程中建筑师对竖向维度的重视程度远不及水平维度。空间维度意识的失衡造成了设计思路的僵化、约束了建筑空间形态的发展,同时阻碍了空间使用率的提升。本文拟针对这些问题展开对基于竖向维度思考的建筑设计策略的研究。首先,本文分析了空间维度意识失衡的形成及其弊端,指出设计中侧重水平思维的现象是由建筑技术、建筑文化和制图规则三方面的制约共同造成。然后,针对空间维度意识失衡造成的弊端,作者重新审视竖向维度在建筑设计中的作用和地位,并对其潜在价值进行挖掘。挖掘竖向维度设计潜力的方法包括图解和设计模型。随后,作者对基于竖向维度思考的建筑设计策略的制定进行了探讨。第一步,辨析“设计策略”的概念;第二步,论证基于竖向维度思考提出建筑设计策略的可能性;第三步,从影响设计目标的三大因素(文化、自然以及经济)的角度,针对不同影响因素分别制定相应的竖向设计策略,共归纳出8种相关策略。最后,通过具体案例的分析,探讨了各项策略的具体运用方式及其空间组织原型。这些策略在解决设计问题的同时又推动了建筑学的创新。本研究试图揭示当代建筑设计中竖向维度思考的重要价值,尝试建构一套基于竖向维度思考的建筑设计策略的理论框架,从而开拓具有原创性并具可操作性的设计方法。

【Abstract】 The architectural design is an activity of creating spaces for people’s life, the static architectural space is a three-dimensional space composed of the horizontal dimension and the vertical dimension. The architects should have an integrated space conception. But the horizontal dimension has attracted much more concern than the vertical dimension by architects. The unbalance of the consciousness of the spatial dimension leads to the ossified of the design thought and restricts the development of architecture spatial form, what is more, it hinders the promotion of the usage rate of space. As a result, a research on the architecture design strategies based on the vertical dimension thinking is introduced in this paper.First of all, the author analyzes the formation and the disadvantages of the unbalance of the consciousness of the spatial dimension. There are three major restriction factors lead to the phenomena: the building technology, the architectural culture and the architectural drawing rules.Secondly, according to the problems caused by the unbalance of the consciousness of the spatial dimension, the author tries to re-recognize the function and the status of the vertical dimension in the architectural design and exploit the potential values of it. The tools include diagram and design models.Thirdly, the author makes a discussion on the making of the architecture design strategies based on the vertical dimension thinking. The first step is to give a discrimination of the“design strategy”; the next step is to testify the possibility of the research; the last step is to find out the way of the strategy making by three main influencing factors (the cultural factor, the natural factor, the economic factor) and sum up 8 kinds of the architecture design strategies based on the vertical dimension thinking.Finally, the author analyzes the use of these strategies and the different kinds of the vertical space structure forms by a mass of case studies. These strategies not only solve the design problems, but also impulse the innovation of the architecture design method.The author tries to reveal the important values of the vertical dimension thinking in the modern architecture design, and construct a theoretical framework of the architecture design strategies based on the vertical dimension thinking, for exploiting the original and exercisable design method.


