

PCB’s Barcode Identification and Applications

【作者】 李恩泽

【导师】 武剑洁;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 软件工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 为解决现有扫描器在印刷电路板生产线及出货包装线上出现的问题,提高生产线自动化程度,需利用影像技术实现条形码的识别,为此展开条形码识别的应用研究。通过分析条形码的特点,根据系统内部通信关系,将架构分为影像模组与PC及影像模组之间的架构。系统采用影像模组-交换机-计算机的架构,影像模组数据由非屏蔽双绞线通过交换机传输到PC,形成由PC控制多个影像模组的内部局域网。PC根据IP地址访问局域网内相应的影像模组,发送控制命令或读取影像数据,从而实现软、硬件之间的信息交互。影像模组之间则利用光纤循环连接,形成光纤封闭环路,构成一台PC同时控制多组影像模组的架构,以产生同步曝光信号,控制影像模组同步曝光。为满足系统检测速度与精度的要求,充分利用通信架构和硬件DSP的特性,分别设计硬件和软件程序。DSP程序设计中,设计影像储存模块用于获取并压缩影像,使该模块与识别软件相互配合,减少系统传输影像数据时的时间消耗,满足系统实时性要求。而系统软件设计则将软件分为操作界面、参数设置、命令解码控制、自动处理控制、影像扫描和条形码解码六个模块,并利用命令解码方式形成命令交互通道,确保根据不同案例的需求改变用户操作界面而不影响软件系统内部对条形码的识别处理。经对不同类型条形码的测试表明,条形码识别达到预期设计要求,可与其他设备成功整合。该系统对二维条形码的识别系统的开发具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 In order to solve the problems of existing scanner in the circuit board and shipping packaging production line, improve the degree of automation of production line, needs to make use of video technology in the design of barcode recognition, thus spread out the applications research of barcode recognition.By analyzing the charateristics of barcode and according to the system of internal communications relations, the system structure will be divided into two parts: the structure between video card and PC, and the structure among video cards. The system uses the video cards-switch-computer architecture, and uses the unshielded twisted pair to transmit the data of video cards through the switch to PC, formes a LAN controlling video cards from PC. PC accesses to the video cards with LAN based on IP for sending control orders or reading image data. In order to achieve the interaction of information between software and hardware, the structure among video cards with the use of optical fiber to form a closed loop, constitutes a structure of one PC controlling video cards, uses for producing synchronous exposure signal and controlling synchronous exposure of video cards. In order to meet the requirements of detection speed and accuracy, make full use of the communications structure and characteristics of the DSP, design the programs of hardware and software respectively. In the DSP programming, image storage module is designed for accessing and compressing image data, so that cooperates with recognition software. And it reduces the time consumption while transmitting image data, and meets the real-time requirement of system. System software design is divided into six modules: interface, set parameters, command control decoders, automated process control, image scanning and barcode decoding. Make use of command decoding method to form order-cross-channel to ensure that to change user interface depending on the different case needs without affecting the system for dealing with barcode identification.After testing different types of barcodes that the barcode recognition is expected to meet the design requirements and can be successfully integrated with other devides. And also this system has some reference value for the development of two-dimensional barcode indentification system.

【关键词】 条形码影像识别影像模组DSP程序
【Key words】 BarcodeImage RecognitionVideo CardDSP Procedural
  • 【分类号】TN41;TP391.44
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】110

