

The Psychology Analysis of Network Events

【作者】 李喜华

【导师】 申凡;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 新闻学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 近几年随着互联网技术的发展以及网民群体的壮大,网民越来越多的在网络公共平台上表达对社会事件、现象的意见与态度,网民意见形成强大的网络舆论,最终对事件的发展甚至社会进程都产生重大影响,这些事件即为网络事件。网络事件一方面可能促进社会发展,另一方面也有可能引发现实生活中的暴力事件,因此必须要对网络事件进行有效的调控。网络事件的参与者主要是网民,网民参与网络事件的行为表现为态度的表达。笔者认为对网络事件的调控主要要从网民的心理入手,因此首要的是要分析网民在参与网络事件中的心理特征。本文以华南虎照片事件为案例进行分析,以该事件的网络舆论为载体,采用深度访谈法、内容分析法与文献研究相结合的研究方法进行研究分析。通过研究,分析网民在参与网络事件过程中的心理表现,在此基础上,结合心理学、舆论学相关知识分析其产生的原因,总结出网民心理的一般性特征。笔者认为,在参与网络事件的过程中,网民已有的认知结构与心理暗示会影响网民态度的形成,说服影响网民态度的改变;网民特别关注政府公信力等问题;网民参与网络事件既是源于其心理需求,又有现实环境等的诱因。在文章的最后,笔者试着从政府与网站两个角度对网络事件的调控提出了几点建设性的意见。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the development of Internet technology and the growth of netizen,more and more netizens express their views and attitudes towards social events and phenomenons in the public platform of network .The views of netizens form strong network public opinion,finally impact the development of the event and even social processes,these events are the network event.Network events on the one hand, may contribute to social development, on the other hand, may lead to real life violence,so it is necessary to carry out effective regulations to control network events.The main participants of network events are netizens,their behavior reflected in the expression of attitude.I believe that the regulation and control of network event mainly begin with the psychology of netizens.Therefore the most important thing is to analyze the psychological characteristics of the netizens in participating.These artical take "South China tiger event"as an example analyze,take the network public opinion as carrier,use the combination of depth interviews, content analysis and literature study analysis methods.Through research,analyze the psychological performance of netizens in the course of participating network events.On this basis,analyze the causes with the combination of psychology and opinion related knowledge to sum up the general characteristics of netizens psychological.Ibelieve that in the course of participating network events,the cognitive structure and psychological hint would affect the formation of netizen’s attitude,persuading would change the netizen’s attitude.Netizens pay special attention to such issues as the credibility of the Government.Netizens to participate in network events is not only due to their psychological needs as well as the realities of the incentive.Finally,I raised a number of constructive suggestions to the regulation and control of network events both from the perspective of the Government and the Website.

【关键词】 网络事件网民心理网络舆论
【Key words】 Network eventNetizenPsychologyNetwork public opinion
  • 【分类号】C912.6;G206
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】652

