

Research on Micro-gripper Technology and Systems Design

【作者】 王健

【导师】 黄心汉;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学研究对象向微小、超精密领域的方向的发展,机器人所要操作的对象也从宏观领域扩展到亚微米、纳米级的微观领域。微操作机器人系统是多学科理论交叉结合的高科技产物,它集计算机技术、图像处理技术、自动控制原理、计算机视觉、精密机械加工于一身,依靠计算机图像处理技术,通过自动控制原理实微操作机器人的智能目标识别、目标操作等工作。本论文的研究工作由国家高技术863计划804主题项目“靶装配微型智能机械手研究”资助,在微装配机器人系统的平台上,研究微夹钳的结构及控制电路的设计,根据精密靶装配的实际需求,开发了一套靶零件微夹持系统,内容包括:1.设计和开发两种不同类型的靶零件微夹持器(靶球微夹持器和柱腔微夹持器);2.设计和开发两种夹持器的控制器电路。本文的微夹钳利用PVDF的逆压电效应实现对微夹钳微力感知,通过PVDF输出信号来实现夹取力的读取,同时通过对微夹钳驱动电源电压的控制来保证能够很好的夹取零件。主要工作是微夹钳结构改进及控制器电路的设计与改进。包括靶球微夹持器的真空气路,电源,真空气路元件的控制,柱腔微夹持器的正反向驱动电路微力检测电路等。论文在最后进行了微夹钳操作的实验,并对全文进行了总结,对微操作机器人,微装备机器人及微夹钳技术的发展前进作了展望。

【Abstract】 With the object of scientific research to the small, ultra-precision of the direction of the field of development of robot to be the target of the operation is also extended to the area from the macro sub-micron, the field of micro-nano-scale. Micro-robot system is a combination of multi-disciplinary theory of high-tech cross-product of computer technology, image processing technology, automatic control theory, computer vision, precision machining in one, relying on computer image processing technology, through the automatic control is the principle of microrobot target identification, target operation and so on.The research work is funded by the National 863 Project 804 high-tech theme of the project "Intelligent target assembly of micro-mechanical studies", in the micro-robot platform system to study the structure of microgripper and control circuit design, according to the target precision assembly the actual demand, the development of a set of target micro-gripper system components, including: 1. Design and development of two different types of target micro-gripper parts (the target micro-gripper and the ball cavity micro-gripper column); 2. Design and development of two kinds of gripper controller circuit.In the thesis, the use of PVDF microgripper of the inverse piezoelectric effect to achieve micro-force sensing microgripper through PVDF output signal power to achieve the read folder access, at the same time microgripper driven by the supply voltage to the control to ensure good check parts folder. main task is to improve the microgripper structure and controller design and improvement of the circuit. Including the target micro-gripper ball real air routes, power, real control of the air path components, column the pros and cons of micro-gripper to the drive circuit, such as micro-power detection circuit.Thesis carried out at the end of the experiment micro-gripper operation, and a summary of the full text of the micro-robot, micro robot equipment and technology development microgripper looking forward were made.

  • 【分类号】TP242
  • 【下载频次】332

