

A Study on Green Supply Chain Management of W Company

【作者】 徐杉

【导师】 马士华;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 上个世纪末开始,全球掀起了“绿色浪潮”,以可持续发展为目标的“绿色”革命蓬勃兴起,绿色化运动正向包括供应链管理在内的各个领域渗透,实施绿色供应链管理已是大势所趋。本文讨论了绿色供应链的产生、发展与管理理念,对于W公司的绿色供应链管理模式进行了详细的介绍,研究了W公司的背景情况,对在实施绿色供应链中出现的种种问题进行了分析,进而从信息系统和技术、绿色包装和绿色运输、绿色供应链绩效管理体系、风险管理、绿色供应商评价体系五个方面对于W公司的绿色供应链管理体系的优化提出了建议。本文提出以增加建立供应采购平台,通过信息技术、建立分布的、透明的信息集成系统,保持信息沟通渠道的畅通和透明度,提高信息的共享程度,提高供应链的整体效率,避免因信息不对称带来的额外的供应链成本及供应链效率的降低,也避免了与之带来的对环境的影响。建议使用可重复利用或可回收材料作为产品的包装,以及采用循环取货的思想建立运输模式,以降低在包装以及运输过程中对外界环境的负担及对能源的消耗,并提高供应链能力。通过等几个方面建立绩效管理体系对W公司的绿色供应链管理进行定量化的分析及管理。通过开展对供应链的风险分析及提出风险防范措施减小因其他因素造成的供应链风险,最大限度的保证公司的利益。此外本文还建立了供应商评价体系,更好的为W公司开展绿色供应链管理建立了从源头上的保障。

【Abstract】 Since the last century the entire world has been booming a "Green Trend", the Green innovation is moving towards the supply chain management and its related industry area, as the purpose of a steadily and continuously Green improvements, the implementation of the Green supply chain management is an veritably trend that nobody can ignore or deny its existence. This paper discusses the occurrence, development and strategic plans of the Green supply chain management as W company for an example. We introduce W company’s supply chain management models in details, the background as well; we offer the analysis to the occurring problems during the execution of the Green supply chain. There are five areas and we draw emphasis to as follows, information system and technology, Green package and transportation, performance evaluation system, risk management and Green supplier revaluation models.The paper’s core contributions are to establish scattered, shared-view system by updated information technology, to maintain the communication of information’s smooth and clearance, improve the information share liability, to improve the entire supply chain efficiency and accuracy, to avoid the additional supply chain cost or non-value added inefficiency due to the uneven information, to void the environmental hazard pollution. We recommend re-cycling or using re-cycleable material as the green package to achieve the goal of repeatedly production use, to lower the impact of package in the transportation to the environment and the unnecessary energy cost by establishing the recycle goods loading models, meanwhile to improve the outcome of the supply chain. There are several area demonstrated in the paper, providing the methods and mythologies to establish performance evaluation to W company’s Green supply chain management, to ensure company’s max profits by risk analysis (define risks and their level, risk impact analysis, risk resolutions).Besides, we provide a scientific system for suppliers’performance measurements, to ensure the well-controlled initiating processing in W company’s supply chain management.

  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】430

