

Study on Diversification Practical Teaching of Health Service Management

【作者】 薛军

【导师】 张翔;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:本课题意在通过对卫生事业管理专业多元化实践教学的研究,发现多元化实践教学中存在的问题,为卫生事业管理专业多元化实践教学提出可行性建议,从而不断促进教学模式的改革与创新,不断更新实践教学内容与手段,并使多元化实践教学与应用型人才培养有机结合,培养卫生管理专业应用型人才,服务于社会。方法:利用文献分析法收集国内外与多元化实践教学及人才培养有关的文献,归纳出可借鉴的理论和方法。在此基础上,结合卫生事业管理专业人才培养的特点,确定本次研究的重点、研究思路,并设计调查问卷以及访谈提纲。在本研究中主要应用的研究方法有:(1)文献研究法;(2)问卷调查法;(3)深入访谈法;(4)统计学方法。结果:(1)95.38%的同学认为实践教学很重要和重要。96.53%的学生认为应该增加实践教学的时间,62.95%希望增加校外的实践教学时间。在需要增设的课程中,管理类课程、经济类课程和法学类课程的比率较高。(2)实践教学取得了一定的效果,认为实践教学效果很差的比重较少,对实践教学取得效果的评价主要集中于效果一般。(3)案例教学是参与度最高的教学方法之一,实验室模拟上机操作、见习、寒暑期的社会实践参与程度均已超过了60%。但跟老师做研究课题、角色扮演模拟教学等教学方法的参与度要相对低些。最有利于自身素质提高的教学方法中,实习、跟老师做课题、课下的调查研究权重较高,而这些恰恰是学生自认为参与较少的教学方法。(4)实践教学考核中开卷考试方式占32.00%,闭卷考试方式占到30.25%。此外,面试(口试、答辩)、递交报告或论文形式的考核也占据了一定的比重,其中面试占14.74%,递交报告占22.68%,其他考核方式占0.33%。考核不甚明显的原因,考核方式单一的占28.16%,考试内容单一的占45.31%,考试主体单一的占25.31%,其他原因选择人数6人次,占1.22%。结论:(1)学生对实践教学重要性的认识比较统一,学生也较倾向于课堂外的实践教学;多种教学方法已在实践教学中普遍采用,但是“教与学”的供需还存在着一定的差距;实践教学取得了一定的效果,但仍有很大的上升空间;目前考核已经不单纯地以闭卷考试为主,出现了多元化的趋势,但多种考核形式开展情况存在着较大的差距,并且学生对整体考核效果很满意的占据比重较少。故培养卫生管理专业应用人才,需整体优化课程体系;合理规划理论与实践授课,适当增加实践教学课时数;积极实施课堂外教学,提高学生综合素质;注重实践教学的实施过程,保证实践教学的质量;明确考核的目标,体现实践考核要求,保证实践考核效果的导向性。(2)实践教学是培养人才的重要手段之一。设计实践教学体系时,应遵循针对性原则、可操作性原则、动态调整性原则、系统性原则。在此基础上,还可根据卫生管理专业背景及学生认知特点,从实践教学目标多元化、内容多元化、形式多元化、考核多元化等方面,设计“层次+模块化”的多元化实践教学模式,以培养卫生事业管理专业应用型人才。

【Abstract】 Objective : Through the research of diversification practical teaching of health management, this study tries to find problems in it, and make feasible suggestions for diversification practical teaching of health management. This will help to promote the reform of teaching, update content and means of practical teaching constantly, combine diversification practical teaching and applied talents cultivation, and train applied talents for society.Methods:Collecting domestic and foreign related literature about diversification practical teaching and talents cultivation by document analysis, summarize reference theories and methods. On this basis, combining with the talent training characteristics of health management, determining the focus and research ideas of this study, then design the questionnaire and in-depth interview outline. In this study, the main applications of methods are document analysis method, questionnaire method, in-depth interview method, and statistical method.Results:(1)95.38 percent students think that practice teaching is very important or important. 96.53% of the students think that increasing the time of practice teaching is essential and 62.95% hope to increase practice time outside. For the courses needed to added, management courses, economics courses and law courses take higher rates.(2)Practice teaching has achieved some good results, and people who have the opinion of practice teaching’s results is very poor take a lower rate. But overall, the evaluation of the results mostly is general.(3)Case teaching is one of the methods have the highest participation rate, and the rates of participation in laboratory simulation of the machine operation, trainee and the social practice in summer and winter period have all exceed 60%. But the rates of do research subjects with teachers and role-playing simulation teaching is lower. For the methods that conducive to the improvement of the students’quality, trainee, do research subjects with teachers and research after classes take higher rates, but those are the last choice of the students.(4)In the assessing methods of practice teaching, the percentage of open-book examination is 32%, and closed book exam 30.25%. Besides, interview (oral examination and reply) , handing reports or paper have some rates, in which interview 14.74%, handing reports 22.68%, and others 0.33%. For the reasons of no obvious assessment, 28.16% think that the accessing methods are single and 45.31% think the test is single. Meanwhile, students think the test subject is single account for 25.31%. 6 students choose other reasons, accounting for 1.22%.Conclusion: (1)The students have a common opinion on the practice teaching, and they prefer outside practice. Many teaching methods have been put into practice but there is still a certain gap between the supply and demand of“teaching and studying”. The practice teaching has achieved some good results, but there is still much room for improvement. Recently the methods of assessment are not simply dominated by closed book examination, and there is a trend of diversity. But there is a certain gap between the conducting situation of the assess methods, and students who are very satisfied with total assessment results take a lower rate.So for training that kind of personnel in health management, we need to optimize the curriculum overall, plan the theory and practice rationally, and increase the number of hours of practice teaching appropriately. For the same time, we need to implement outside teaching actively so as to improve the comprehensive quality, focus on process of teaching to ensure the quality, clear the objective assessment reflected the practical assessment requirements to ensure the results-oriented practice.(2)Practice teaching is an important method in training professional personnel. Designing practical teaching system should follow pertinence principle, operational principle, dynamic adjustment principle, and systematic principle. On this basis, we can also design the diversity of practice teaching model of "level + modular" from the diversity of objectives, content, form, based on the background and cognitive characteristics of health management students so as to train health personnel management specialty.


