

The False Public Opinion Field and the Distorted Exchange of Viewswithin the Party

【作者】 吴柳林

【导师】 孙旭培;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 新闻学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 二十世纪五十年代我国发动的大跃进和反右倾运动,由于违背了客观经济规律,错误估计了当时国内形势,导致当时党的路线、方针、政策出现了重大错误,结果党内监督、党内意见交流工作走向了曲折。本论文试图以大跃进和反右倾时期的教训来说明,没有言论自由也就不能形成开放的舆论场,舆论场不能正确营造,就会使执政党内意见交流不能正常进行。从大跃进到反右倾时期,不仅社会被剥夺了言论自由,党内也被剥夺言论自由。正是由于缺乏这种党内不同意见平等讨论的环境,没有正常的社会舆论起作用,党内就不可能有正常的意见交流。并且这一时期由于政治强人大搞“一言堂”,并且通过新闻媒介营造了虚假的舆论场,使党内的意见交流遭到阻塞和扭曲,从而制定了不利于国家和社会发展的决策。文章通过对大跃进和反右倾时期历史资料的考察,得出一般性结论。新闻媒介应该反映与党的领导机关不一样的意见,同时,执政党也要学会在新闻舆论活跃条件下工作。这样才会对我们今天的新闻工作及其它工作的开展有益处。

【Abstract】 It launched the "Great leap Forward "and the anti-rightist campaign in china in 1950s,as it against the laws of objective economic and make a mistake in estimating the situation in china at the party’s line,principles and policies。As a result,the supervision within the party,the exchange of views within the party work to the ups and downs。This article tries to explain that,it wouldn’t be able to form an open field of public opinion . As that couldn’t be made,it will make the exchange of views within the ruling party can not normally. Form the "Great leap Forward" to the anti-rightist ,not only are the community deprived of freedom of speed. It’s because of lacking of the environment of the discuss equality of the different views with in the party. And without the normal functioning of public opinion,it couldn’t have a right exchange of views in the party。During this period,some political strongmen engage in say and form a false public opinion field through theMedia. It makes that the exchange of views within party have been locked and distorted,which created the decision-making that not conducive.The article draw the general conclusions during the investigation of the "Great leap Forward" and the anti-rightist. The media should reflect the different views with the party’s leading bodies,while the ruling party should also learn to work in the active conditions of the news media. That will make a good for today’s work about news and other useful work.


