

The Research of Interactive Communication of the in Game Advertisement

【作者】 唐慧琳

【导师】 舒咏平;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 传播学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 与传统媒体“受众被动接受信息”不同,网络游戏具有参与和互动的传播特性。在网络游戏市场规模和玩家数量不断增长的今天,植入式广告切入到网络游戏领域成为一种必然趋势。因为网络游戏植入式广告不仅能为游戏运营商带来利润,而且也为企业及品牌开辟了新的传播渠道。互动传播对于网络游戏植入式广告而言是一把双刃剑:如果能够巧妙地与游戏玩家进行互动,那么就能成功地渗透品牌及产品信息,达到理想的传播效果。反之,则会影响到游戏玩家在网络游戏中的体验,对产品品牌和网络游戏本身都会产生负面影响和伤害。本文从网络游戏植入式广告的定义和特点出发,结合其兴起背景对这一概念进行了较为全面的分析。紧接着笔者从心理学、传播学和营销学等学科对网络游戏植入式广告互动传播进行学理性地分析阐释,包括归因理论、说服性传播、定位论与整合营销传播理论等。本文的主体和重点是网络游戏植入式广告互动传播的运作策略。结合丰富的案例,作者将其归纳为以下六种:产品作为游戏的道具、在游戏中进行体验营销、游戏内容与广告信息互动、线上与线下的电子商务融合、真实与虚拟的互动、品牌信息互动传播。最后,作者总结了网络游戏植入式广告互动传播应当遵循的四条原则,包括植入产品应当与目标受众的特点相符、植入游戏广告服从于整合营销传播、广告诉求要与网络游戏进行有机融合、植入的效果应由无意识导向参与互动。

【Abstract】 With the difference from the traditional media that the users brows and accept the information passively, online games are engaging and interactive. With a growing number of online game market size and game players, In Game Advertisement cutting into the area of online games has become a necessity. Because the In Game Advertisement is not only profitable for the operator of the game, but also it has opened up new channels of communication for the companies and brands.For the In Game Advertisement, the interaction is a double-edged sword. If you can subtly interact with game players, it can successfully penetrate the brand and product information to achieve satisfactory effect. On the contrary, it will affect the experience and feeling of the gamers with a negative impact on the game itself and the brand.Beginning with the definition and characteristics of the In Game Advertisement, and combined with its rising background, this article analyzes this concept comprehensively. Then the author gives theoretical analysis and interpretation of the interactive communication of the In Game Advertisement from the disciplines of psychology, communication and marketing, including attribution theory, persuasive communication, positioning and integrated marketing communication theory.The main body and key point of this article is the strategies about the interactive communication of the In Game Advertisement. With rich cases, the author summarizes six categories as following: products as game props, experiential marketing in the game, advertising information interacting with the game, product placement in game levels, online and offline e-commerce integration, interaction between reality and virtual, interactive communication between brands’information.Finally, the author summarizes the principles about interactive communication of the In Game Advertisement: Implant products should be consistent with the characteristics of the target audience; In Game Advertisement should be complied with the integrated marketing communication; advertising appeals to the online games; the effect of implantation should be unconscious oriented interactive participation.

  • 【分类号】F713.8
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】761

