

The Comparison of the Goverment Websits of Wuhan and Changsha in Promoing the Two Types of Social Construction

【作者】 陈思思

【导师】 屠忠俊;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 传播学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,政治民主化呼声日益增强,政府公开政务,民众上诉民意的需求高涨,政府网站承载着沉重的传播使命。中共十六届五中全会首次把建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会确定为国民经济与社会发展中长期规划的一项战略任务。十七大之后,国家出于全局意义的战略考虑,将武汉城市圈和长株潭城市群确定为两型社会试验区并赋予其先行先试的政策创新权。本文选择武汉市和长沙市这两个“两型社会”试验区的政府网站作为研究对象,通过对两大政府网站建设的比较,分析政府网站在推进两型社会建设中的传播效能,并在此基础上为政府网站建设实现最优化的传播效果建言献策。本文分别从系统学、传播学和心理学的视域出发,为政府网站传播效果测评模型的搭建寻找理论依据。并参照国内外政府门户网站和“两型社会”的测评方法,使用层次分析法对武汉、长沙两大政府网站的建设状况和传播效果进行评估。研究表明,武汉、长沙两大政府网站在网站设计、信息公开、政民互动三方面,对促进两型社会建设起到一定作用,但效果不尽如人意。因此,这两个政府网站在推进两市“两型社会”建设还有很多文章要做。在这两个政府网站的建设中,要破除“传者本位”的定势思维,明确网站推进“两型社会”建设的社会诉求,按照受众的需求和行为习惯来进行传播。

【Abstract】 In the current era, political democratization increases with each passing day. The government keeps the public informed of the government affairs, meanwhile the public’s demands of appealing go on rising. Therefore, the government website, as the newest mass media, bears the burden of the heavy mission.To build resource-saving and environment-friendly society is determined as a strategic task in the long-term national economic and social development plan on the sixteenth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee. After the Seventeenth Congress, Wuhan city circle and Changsha city circle are determined as the test zone of " two types of social construction ", which means prior policy innovation for the over-all interest of the nation.Therefore, the government websites of Wuhan and Changsha is selected as research samples. The mass-communication performance of the two government websites is analyzed by comparison of the two government websites,. As a result, some advice is proposed for optimize the mass-communication performance.This paper finds the theoretical basis of the structures from the system science, communication science and psychology, for the propagation effects of the government web site evaluation model, with reference to domestic and foreign government portal and " Two types of social construction " of evaluation methods,by using AHP to evaluate the two goverment websits of Wuhan and Changsha.The results show that, government websites of Wuhan and Changsha play a role in the promotion of“two types of social construction”in web design, information disclosure, politics and people interact aspects,but the result is not satisfying. Therefore, we still have a long way to go to achieve the goal of promoting the " two types of social construction by Government website. Future construction of government websites still need to eliminate " Communicator based " set thinking, to affirm the social demands of website to promote the " two types of social construction " Building, in accordance with the needs of the audience’s mind and behavior to carry out dissemination.

  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】202

