

On Lin Shu’s Translation from the Perspective of Postcolonial Theory

【作者】 刘洋

【导师】 黄勤;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 20世纪80年代末期,后殖民理论被应用到翻译研究中去,形成了后殖民翻译理论。该理论超越了传统翻译研究中文本的局限,转而对影响翻译活动的社会,历史,政治等其他因素进行研究。后殖民翻译理论关注翻译中强势文化和弱势文化之间的权利差异,从弱小民族和弱势文化的角度来探讨文化交流中的翻译问题。林纾作为我国近代半殖民地半封建社会时期的一名翻译家,所从事的大量翻译活动正是在中西文化交流不平等时期进行的,因此本文试图从后殖民理论视角来研究林纾的翻译,以期能为林纾的翻译研究提供新的思路。本文通过个案研究和对比分析的方法,对林纾的《黑奴吁天录》和黄继忠的《汤姆大伯的小屋》进行了对比研究,旨在找出同一部作品在不同历史时期的译本中存在哪些差异,进而找出林纾翻译所独有的特点,并尝试在后殖民语境下对林纾的这些翻译特征进行分析,阐明其产生并存在的合理性。通过对比分析,作者发现林纾的翻译特点大体上可总结为以下两点:一是林纾的翻译中存在大量删减,增补和改译的情况;二是林纾的翻译采用归化为主的翻译策略,对原文中大量出现的西方思想和文化行了处理,使其融入到传统的中国语言文化框架之内。论文主体核心部分对以上所列林纾翻译的特点进行了后殖民语境下的分析,并得出以下结论:首先,林纾所处的社会、历史和文化背景是后殖民视角下影响林纾翻译的重要因素之一;其次,后殖民语境下林纾的政治态度关系到他对译文文本的选择,也影响着他对翻译策略的选取;最后,根据后殖民翻译理论,林纾把翻译视为一种抵抗外来思想文化入侵的手段,并因此采取了归化为主的翻译策略以达到翻译的解殖民化作用。论文继而对林纾的这种独特翻译方法在当时的历史时期所起的作用进行了论述,指出他的翻译不仅给当时的中国文学带来了启示,更加从政治层面对整个国民的思想乃至中国政府产生了巨大的影响。文章最后进行全面总结并指出了未来研究中值得进一步探讨的问题。概之,本文旨在将林纾的翻译活动置回于当时具体的社会、历史、文化语境中去,从后殖民主义理论视角来探析影响其翻译活动的外部因素,以期丰富林纾翻译研究的视角。

【Abstract】 At the end of 1980s, postcolonial theory was applied to the research of translation practice and thus brought out postcolonial translation theory. This theory started to probe translation practice beyond the text with a focus on other factors such as social, historical and political context that had affected translation. Postcolonial translation theory pays attention to the power differentials between the dominant and dominated culture, and approaches the cultural communication issue from the point of those weak countries and weak cultures. Lin Shu, as a translator in Late Qing Dynasty of modern China, did a lot of translation practice under the unequal cultural communication between China and the West. As a result, this paper attempts to make a research on Lin Shu’s translation from the perspective of postcolonial theory, aiming at providing new ideas for Lin Shu’s translation.The research is made through case study as well as comparative analysis. After comparing Lin Shu’s Hei Nu Yu Tian Lu with Huang Jizhong’s Tang Mu Da Bo De Xiao Wu, the author has found some differences between the two versions of the same original text that were translated in different historical periods, and then generalized Lin Shu’s unique translation features. Postcolonial translation theory is used in order to analyze these features as well as to explain their reasonability. Based on the comparison, Lin Shu’s translation features can be concluded as the following two aspects: firstly there exist a lot of omissions, additions and alterations; secondly the dominated strategy adopted by Lin Shu in his translation is domestication, which had integrated western cultures into the structure of Chinese language and culture.In the body part of the paper, the above mentioned features of Lin Shu’s translation are discussed under the postcolonial context, with the major findings listed as follows: first and foremost, the social, historical and cultural background concerned with Lin Shu is one of the essential factors that affected his translation; secondly, Lin Shu’s political attitude in the postcolonial context had something to do with his selection of translated texts and furthermore influenced his translation strategy; last but not the least, according to postcolonial translation theory, Lin Shu regarded translation as a tool of resisting foreign cultural invasion and thus adopted the domestication strategy for the purpose of decolonization. Following closely, the paper points out the functions of such kind of translation produced by Lin Shu in that special period of time, it had not only brought about enlightenment to Chinese literary, but more importantly it had exerted great influences on Chinese readers even on the Chinese government form the political point of view. The last part gives conclusion to what have been discussed in the paper, and points out the unsettled problems as well as the desired further explorations into this research.Briefly speaking, this paper is intended to position Lin Shu’s translation into its specific social, historical and cultural context and make a research on it from the perspective of postcolonial theory, thus to enrich the angles for Lin Shu’s translation.

  • 【分类号】I206.5;I046
  • 【下载频次】163

