

Design and Implementation of a AJAX-Based Teaching Resources Platform

【作者】 陈浩

【导师】 邱德红;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着Internet的快速发展,网络技术对教育领域的改革产生了重大的影响,然而传统的B/S模式的应用程序由于受制于HTML的限制,无法像C/S那样使用丰富的效果来显示数据,用户体验比较糟糕,无法满足教师、学生的要求,更不能激发学生学习的兴趣,没有充分的发挥促教励学的作用。如何向用户呈现良好的用户体验、完整的学习材料,及时、准确地解决学生在学习中碰到的各种难题,便捷的管理学生作业、提高教学质量和效率,做好学习的评价、督促和管理等是构造一个良好的教学资源平台的关键所在。于是围绕上述问题开展工作:首先对系统进行需求分析,将系统分为以学生与教师为主体的前台系统和以教学管理员和系统管理员为主体的后台系统,并提出分组的概念,即教师能将学生与资源按不同性质加入不同分组,以方便教师与学生之间便捷地进行沟通和问题讨论。于是将资源按课程和分组为对象划分为课程资源和分组资源,又按是否可以下载分为在线资源和下载资源。接着进行系统的总体设计,重点围绕作业管理、资源与课程和分组的关系进行系统的详细设计,包括数据库设计与页面设计,并通过实现留言、公告、个人信息管理、课程信息管理等模块使系统更加完整与人性化。在页面实现上,通过对实现AJAX的四项关键技术进行研究分析,借助AJAX技术减少用户操作等待时间,使系统获得了更好地用户体验。同时,通过美观、操作性良好的页面设计使系统更加友好和易用。在业务实现上,通过分组概念的引入,作业树和资源树的创建,作业提交与批改流程的优化,多种留言方式的实现等使系统在使用过程中更加人性化。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of Internet, the network technology has been greatly impacting the innovation of the education. However, B/S application program confined to HTML is not capable of displaying data with abundant effects as C/S does. As a result, it brings the bad users’experience and can hardly match the requirements from the teachers and the students, nor can it arouse students’interest in learning, with its poor encouraging role. Then the promotion and the encouragement can hardly be carried out in the teaching. The essential factors in developing a well-functioning teaching resources platform lie in such aspects as offering satisfactory users’experience, presenting integrated and abundant learning materials, promptly and effectively addressing the difficulties rising in students’learning, efficiently checking and correcting the assignments of students, enhancing the qualities and efficiencies of teaching as well as assessing, supervising and managing students’academic activities.According the requirement mentioned above, in this thesis, requirement analysis of the system has been carried out first, and the system has been divided into two parts: front part for the teachers and students and the back part for the teaching managers and the system managers. The concept of group has also been proposed, which means that the teachers can sorting the students and the resources into different groups with the corresponding properties, which facilitates the communications and discussions between the teachers and the students. Then the resources have been divided into the curriculum-resources and the group-resources according to the different curriculums and groups, and also into online and download resources. The entire design of the system has been implemented secondly, and the concrete design is following surrounding the assignment management and the relationship between the resources, the curriculums and the groups. Database design and page design have also been taken account and the system has been more completed and humanized via the realizations of the modules for the message, announcement, personal information management, curriculum information management.For the realization of the page, through analyzing the four key techniques to implement AJAX, the system has much better user experience by reducing waiting-time of the users’manipulation in terms of AJAX technique. Beside this, the system could be more friendly and easily used through good-operating design of the page. Moreover, for the realization of the operation, the system has also been humanized by means of introducing the concept of the group, setting up of the assignment-tree and resource-tree, optimizing the processes of the assignment submission and marking, defining various ways for the messages, and so on.

【关键词】 浏览器/服务器教学资源平台分组资源
【Key words】 B/STeaching resources platformGroupResource
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】91

